Now it's our turn to do something amazing......

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Anything needed in this project in the way of 3d? any new files need to be created.

Anything photoshop related either, like decals or emblems being vectored or enlarged and spruced up?

I can do any of these and more if needed.

Can you make a card that we can digitally sign that can go with this? Liamthedevastator thought of this. it will be from the whole community.
Would those involved with this project like to make it an Official 405th Community Project?
I sent a message to each of the contributors to get opinions and it is looking good so far. Once I get more information I will let you know. I think the biggest concern is the project changing. Will it continue as is or are there other legalities involved? Thank you.
I accidentally deleted the post Dave is quoting... but I did make the statement "Would those involved with this project like to make it an Official 405th Community Project?"

The project would still be - build the suit and gift it to the "donee" -. Those contributing to the building would essentially have no change in task.
I would just like to say that this is a wonderful cause and reminded me why I love this community so much. Im afraid I cant help with funds, but I would like to help in any way I can. I believe it was mentioned before about a community card. So in a hour or so Ill start work on a card which every one can sign and send with the armour.
I'm liking this Card Idea. Maybe one with a Collage of Halo Characters or Some of our 405th members in their respective suits. and a Big 405th logo on the Front Saying "Honor, Armor, Community." "Finish the Fight Mat!"

I think that would be pretty cool. I don't have Photoshop or anything like that. But an Idea to pass on none the Less.
Logo usage is always on a case by case basis, once something is decided about the logistical details of the project, and it's status as one recognized by us as an Official 405th Community Project is decided, usage may be a possibility.
ok I hope I am not jumping the gun by saying this but the majority of the Members working on the project have replied. There are a couple that have not but majority rules in favor of YES become an Official 405th Project. Now let's see some updates, we have a goal to
Ithica, I don't know if my message got to you but I'm still totally up for continuing the project. Do we have a solid due date yet?
Ithica, I don't know if my message got to you but I'm still totally up for continuing the project. Do we have a solid due date yet?
Yes I fixed the date in the main thread. We are shooting for about a month to have items shipped to Brandone. If more time is needed that can be arranged but due to illness we need to work fast.
Four weeks should be doable as long as the weather up here holds out, if we get a cold snap again I wont be able to get much done in the garage. I'll keep you up to date as things progress.
As of now I do not.

I saw your video. Yeah. Kiiiinda big thing to forget there. XD Anyway, I'm going to start building my own under armor and it'd be fairly easy to work on both his and mine together as a cohesive project. But it's going to be tricky, reason being it needs to fit relatively close to his body. Considering he can't come in for fittings i'd need extensive amount of measurements (torso, neck, arms, knees, etc), or perhaps even a dust tape dummy of him. Now that i think of it, that might be the best way to do it, cuz then I could fit it directly to his duct tape self. >.> It's cheap, and easy to do. He'd just have to send it to me somehow (unstuffed).
I saw your video. Yeah. Kiiiinda big thing to forget there. XD Anyway, I'm going to start building my own under armor and it'd be fairly easy to work on both his and mine together as a cohesive project. But it's going to be tricky, reason being it needs to fit relatively close to his body. Considering he can't come in for fittings i'd need extensive amount of measurements (torso, neck, arms, knees, etc), or perhaps even a dust tape dummy of him. Now that i think of it, that might be the best way to do it, cuz then I could fit it directly to his duct tape self. >.> It's cheap, and easy to do. He'd just have to send it to me somehow (unstuffed).
Can I give you his contact info so you can contact him directly and cut out the middle man?
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