ODCA's foam unfolds (and unfold requests)


Out of sheer curiosity on my end.(Okay that's a lie its more than just curiosity).

Are there any plans in the pipes regarding the unfolding of in-game MK VII stuff?
Correct, but those unfolds were based on the cosplay guide if I recall correctly. I was wondering if another pass at unfolding would be made now that the game is out and there are accessible 3d models.
Correct, but those unfolds were based on the cosplay guide if I recall correctly. I was wondering if another pass at unfolding would be made now that the game is out and there are accessible 3d models.
It would be the same really if someone did them unfolded.
The in game models would probably be less detailed, because of how video games use normal maps and other tricks to mimic geometric detail for the purpose of optimisation.
Hello 405th!

Recently I've been unfolding a lot of pepakura files for foam and learning a lot of neat tricks with the program
And I wanted to give back to the community that has done so much for me

So I'm making this thread to post the unfolds I make and I'll also be taking unfold requests for foam (Halo and sometimes non-Halo)
of course, the models posted here will all be submitted to the armory


Halo: Reach

-Commando UA/FC attachment

Halo 3/ODST

-Rookie Rucksack

Halo 4

-Air assault

Halo 5: Guardians

-Helljumper Full Armor
-Enforcer Helmet
-Mk V Alpha Helmet

Halo Infinite

-Master Chief Helmet (fortnite)
-Master Chief Armor (fortnite)
-Mk 7 Helmet
Hey thanks for all the work you've put in ! I've got an unfold request, could you unfold the files that Marcus Lehto released for he HD update to the original Combat Evolved Mk V ? I really want to make it but I don't have any experience unfolding
Hey thanks for all the work you've put in ! I've got an unfold request, could you unfold the files that Marcus Lehto released for he HD update to the original Combat Evolved Mk V ? I really want to make it but I don't have any experience unfolding
Aaaaaaand they're done, took me a while to get them into a decent state
Special thanks to NobleofDeath16 for separating and decimating the files for me to be able to do the unfolds, and for staying up with me at 3 am to keep me sane while unfolding these

Remember to scale these to your size










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Hey ODCA! Thanks for all these resources. Is there an untold in the works for Morrigan helmet from the lone wolves season two battle pass in halo infinite
Hey ODCA! Thanks for all these resources. Is there an untold in the works for Morrigan helmet from the lone wolves season two battle pass in halo infinite
I would like to unfold that one for sure!
Not sure if its been ripped already but i'll definetly check it out when i get the chance
Is it a possibility to do foam unfold of the yoroi armor? I just want to know if it's possible
hey, hi
short answer, yes, i would be able to; yes, its possible

real answer, i'd like to unfold lots of the new infinite models, for all armor cores
whenever i get around to it..., its a completely diferent thing, i'm only unfolding things when i have the chance to, and recently with a full time job and pending commission work, i've had less and less free time

cant really promise what and when i'll unfold something, at least not right now
i'll still post unfolds every now and then
Will you be doing foam unfold again? I have a shoulder that I would love to get unfolded


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