Oddball's First build


Starting my first helmet project already have one piece down but I have some questions about scaling and making sure my prints go well on my 3d printer

If anyone can help out please reply to this thread I currently just have a mouth piece made
Hey... I lets start off with something easier to ask and go from there. What are your recommendations for setting on ultimaker cura if you use it?
Well I only print my helmet, the rest of my suit is made from foam. But I'd be happy to share my settings for the helmet! Firstly, I print in PLA+. I understand that this may not be the most ideal material but I like it because it's quite easy to print. Speed and temperature will depend on your printer and your own tests for the material you're using. I have a CR-10 so I run around 80mm/s at about 210C. For a helmet I do about 20% infill but for larger props I will do 5-10%. My assault rifle for example is 5%. A good tip is to use 3 walls instead of 2 so that you don't get any ghosting, and so that your walls are nice and strong. I do support when necessary, and I typically print with a brim to to make sure that the print sticks to the build plate. I do a layer height of 0.2mm, though it may be beneficial to go smaller to get extra details.

What kind of printer are you using? Are you going to 3D print the entire suit?
Well I only print my helmet, the rest of my suit is made from foam. But I'd be happy to share my settings for the helmet! Firstly, I print in PLA+. I understand that this may not be the most ideal material but I like it because it's quite easy to print. Speed and temperature will depend on your printer and your own tests for the material you're using. I have a CR-10 so I run around 80mm/s at about 210C. For a helmet I do about 20% infill but for larger props I will do 5-10%. My assault rifle for example is 5%. A good tip is to use 3 walls instead of 2 so that you don't get any ghosting, and so that your walls are nice and strong. I do support when necessary, and I typically print with a brim to to make sure that the print sticks to the build plate. I do a layer height of 0.2mm, though it may be beneficial to go smaller to get extra details.

What kind of printer are you using? Are you going to 3D print the entire suit?
No, just printing my first helmet and seeing how it goes, my printer is just a Neptune 3 pro from elegoo
My printer is quite old so I don't know how transferrable my settings would be to your printer. There's probably a good youtube video out there that goes into ideal settings for your particular printer. The advice I give is only really helpful for general process stuff, not necessarily super specific XD
Well I only print my helmet, the rest of my suit is made from foam. But I'd be happy to share my settings for the helmet! Firstly, I print in PLA+. I understand that this may not be the most ideal material but I like it because it's quite easy to print. Speed and temperature will depend on your printer and your own tests for the material you're using. I have a CR-10 so I run around 80mm/s at about 210C. For a helmet I do about 20% infill but for larger props I will do 5-10%. My assault rifle for example is 5%. A good tip is to use 3 walls instead of 2 so that you don't get any ghosting, and so that your walls are nice and strong. I do support when necessary, and I typically print with a brim to to make sure that the print sticks to the build plate. I do a layer height of 0.2mm, though it may be beneficial to go smaller to get extra details.

What kind of printer are you using? Are you going to 3D print the entire suit?
No, just printing my first helmet and seeing how it goes, my printer is just a Neptune 3 pro from elegoo
My printer is quite old so I don't know how transferrable my settings would be to your printer. There's probably a good youtube video out there that goes into ideal settings for your particular printer. The advice I give is only really helpful for general process stuff, not necessarily super specific XD
My question was more for The Slicing Program of Ultimaker Cura... Do you use it?
These are the settings I used to print my halo infinite AR. Material is PLA+ on my CR-10



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