ODireST (Last build for now) Also, Foam, Sintra, Cloth/Cotton, and Plastics.


Sr Member
Morning, morning, I will have a lot of upcoming projects so going to finish up my ODST by mid-August, and aiming for a DragonCon premiere to mess with people and let them stare and take pics of my “assets” cause I’m me.

Anyway I have actually been working on this since March 24’ and been messing around making my own template for the “soft parts” for the game under suiT/BDU, this is the final draft before I transfer it to foam.

Also pic heavy( pfft not, cause I’m lazy.


This is the front template I got so far. Still working on the back shot, figure I will transfer the foam on my choice of BDU (with a nice tall collar/turtle neck) which is kinda nice with shades of black and grey, dare I say pretty close to the in-game, at least close enough for me.

And the sexy BDU

I also have a lot pics to upload, I’ll do it here and there at my own pace, but figure I do it in order from BDU to actual armor bits but if your guys want could upload the beginning phase of my brain case protector to the current stage of it, ya know if you weirdos are into that type of thing.
Then again, might be lazy and blame the heat about not completing the undersuit, it is slightly warm this summer, I’ll decide throughout the week, but here is some quality pics of my bucket of before and current.


Full images take forever to upload so the rest will be thumbnails, unless I really want to show off.

Also here is the visor section cut out and stuff using just simple dremel stuff. Nothin’ fancy.


And was curious how the visor looked at this point so just taped it in



It looked pretty cool, but this post getting to heavy so I’ll continue on the next one, all of this was done in March.
Might just post the current pic of the bucket, too many progress pics and no motivation to post it here
Here is the current bucket, got it done last week of March



After a black wash, be the current helmet as it is today.
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