ODST Crossover: Venom and Carnage

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Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

looking really good. :)
everything is looking great, but how did the helmet turn out with the eyes? or have you not painted that yet?
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

As an artist and comic reader, I know exactly the blue-black effect you're going for. I have to say you managed to pull it off in real life perfectly. Well done.

I'm working on a Bradley kit too, but I'm a program manager at an engineering firm, so free time is at a premium. I won't finish as quickly as you, but I feel more inspired to pick up the pace.
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Very creative idea brought to reality. Reminds me of the plane decals used during WWII, even though this is supposed to incorporate Venom. I look forward to the finished product!
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

This is gonna look so cool once it's all finished! Looking forward to seeing it when you get all suited up! :p :D
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Beautifully done. You have some really clean stencil work, and I'm always blown away whenever I look at that blue-highlighted paint job! Also, nice touch putting the white patches on the gloves. Can't wait to see this all come together!
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Damn those pieces are beautiful. I am genuinely stunned just looking at them. Great job mate! This should look amazing when you are finished!

Thank you, it is shaping up very nicely so far.

looking really good. :)
everything is looking great, but how did the helmet turn out with the eyes? or have you not painted that yet?

The eyes came out very well, but they do look different since I opted to use a stencil instead of a large decal. The ODST helmet lines are more visible, but I don't think it negatively impacts the overall look. I've been holding off on the rest of it so far, it will probably be the last thing I do.

As an artist and comic reader, I know exactly the blue-black effect you're going for. I have to say you managed to pull it off in real life perfectly. Well done.

I'm working on a Bradley kit too, but I'm a program manager at an engineering firm, so free time is at a premium. I won't finish as quickly as you, but I feel more inspired to pick up the pace.

Thank you for the kind words :) This is probably one of the more unique paint jobs I've done and took a lot of research and testing, but it's paid off. Good luck on your build!

Very creative idea brought to reality. Reminds me of the plane decals used during WWII, even though this is supposed to incorporate Venom. I look forward to the finished product!

Thanks! I think that has more to do with the way I put the teeth down for the test run- they do have that shark tooth look. I've been playing with some different sizes though and I think I've hit the look I want.

This is gonna look so cool once it's all finished! Looking forward to seeing it when you get all suited up! :p :D

Thanks! I've tested the lower body and upper body, but not at the same time, oddly enough haha. I'm still sewing and adjusting each side before I marry the two halves together. Soon!

Beautifully done. You have some really clean stencil work, and I'm always blown away whenever I look at that blue-highlighted paint job! Also, nice touch putting the white patches on the gloves. Can't wait to see this all come together!

Thank you and thanks for noticing! I'm hoping the little details are what will make this build pop, and the "web shooters" were one of them. I've got some other tricks up my sleeve, just you wait ;)


Update Time!

I've been very busy on this build and things are coming together very well, and even better than I imagined in some areas. A lot of the progress I've made is stuff like sewing and strapping, so I don't think many of you want to see pictures of that.

On the chest piece I taped off the buckles and painted them to look like steel, it came out nicely.

I also got all the parts clear coated, but there is no need to show that as the parts still look the same, if not 'wetter'.

For the undersuit, I'm using a set of Nike's Pro Combat compression wear. It's pretty much the same thing as under armor (Which I'll be wearing underneath THAT) and that should keep me as cool as possible in the Atlanta heat.


To attach the shoulder bells, I marked off two spots on each shoulder and punched in some large snaps. Since the undersuit material is very fine and stretchy, I had to put some extra fabric underneath the snaps to prevent tearing down the line.


Those snaps attach to a removable layer of faux leather. The underside of that material is pretty ugly looking.


Into that material, I had to sew in two t-nuts. The particular ones I found had holes around the border which were perfect for sewing into the doubled up material.


There is one on each side, two per shoulder. They hold the bell to the leather. On each side of the nut I used a rubber washer. Those allow me to screw into the bell without scratching it.


Here is what it looks like attached to my shoulder. Pretty hard angle to photograph by myself, but it'll do haha


The weight is supported evenly and feels secure when I move around.

Also made progress on the forearms. For these I used some foam cushioning that keeps my arm snug in the piece.


On the end of the cushion that pokes out the back, I glued down some of the fake leather to make it look like a seal, instead of exposed foam. It does the job well I think.



I also had to cut out a small section to allow me better range of motion and bend my arm closer to me. The padding is only held in via friction and pressure. Not having to glue it down is a nice treat.


I did a test fit for the lower body pieces. Everything fits pretty well, and overall looks right on me. I still need to add some padding in places for comfort and noise reduction, but it's nice to see it taking shape! On a side note, I'm very skinny with a 30 waist, and that makes it super hard to fit all the pieces on the web belt that holds them. ODSTs weren't designed to be scrawny, that's for sure!




Today I did some test fitting for the upper body. The chest fits well, and the shoulders hang perfectly. My range of motion is much more impressive than my first suit, though going above my head is sill tricky.



Here is with the bells on.




I'm thinking about extending the spider legs onto the straps on the back, but that might be more trouble than it's worth at this point. We'll see.

I've not yet tested both halves together, but will probably be doing that this week. Still more sewing to go.

Thanks for reading!


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Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Looking great i think. How is the mobility with the chest and shoulders on together? looks like the shoulders might hinder movement by clashing with the chest armor.
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Wow! Venom is awesome! One of the coolest pieces of armour I've ever seen. The helmet is especially awesome.
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Looking great i think. How is the mobility with the chest and shoulders on together? looks like the shoulders might hinder movement by clashing with the chest armor.

Not too bad actually. It's better than my old Mk V in the sense that I can actually cross my arms, but I can't raise them up very high over my head. I can put on my helmet, but I can't reach something on a shelf :lol

Wow! Venom is awesome! One of the coolest pieces of armour I've ever seen. The helmet is especially awesome.

Thank you! I thought it was a really unique concept and wanted to make it real.


Update time!

I've been pretty quite for the past two weeks, but I've been working pretty much non stop behind the scenes. Dragon Con is in 2 days, and I did my final test fits this evening. I was able to finish the rucksack and get it attached and the helmet is done now. Fans have been installed small details have been added to the armor and everything has come out wonderfully.

I've got several images to share, though I apologize that they aren't exactly in order; Like I said, I've been busy :p

I'll start with the body:

Here is the back, without the rucksack attached. Should be able to see the blue highlights on the edges. I gave this section an extra coat of clear gloss and polished it up to 3000 grit. It fits really well and looks good even without the back pack.

The shins and thighs. Thighs sit lower than I like, but that is due to poor planning on my part. I've padded the knees a bit to keep them from klonking into the thighs too much.

Mid section. The crotch plate has a tendency to catch on the thighs from time to time, but that's because I'm not very wide. A 30 inch waist doesn't leave much room!

Some upper details


Rucksack is also attached now- this took me a long time to figure out, but once I had some assistance from another member and his build, it became much simpler. It was very much a "D'oH, it is that simple" kinda thing.

Backpack is attached by clips that are sewn into the back straps. I had to do some heavy stitching by hand. It was not fun, but it holds and that's what I need.

Custom Med decal that Sean was kind enough to print up for me. For blood type, it's V+, or venom positive ;)

This shot is just everything fitted to me, minus the rucksack. I'm very pleased with the look of the armor under the lighting.


Helmet is done as well. I settled on cutting my own deals for the teeth. Vision on the visor is not impacted at all honestly. I debated pretty long and hard about painting on a small thin pink gumline with some green spit\slime but decided against it- this looks cleaner.

Wait, there's more!

Venom is really known for his super long tongue. It occurred to me that I might be able to make that work on this build if I could make it detachable. So I cut out a section of EVA foam and bent it into shape with my heat gun, then plasti-diped it and painted it to match the visor color.

There is a small gap in between the visor and helemt, and by attaching two small strips of webbing to the tongue, I was able to insert it into that gap and the tongue is held in by friction. Here is how it looks.


I think it's pretty neat! I don't have a pic, but I took it a step further and added some hot glue to the tongue in such a fashion that it looks like drool- it's pretty creepy ;)

Feeling great by this point, and on a roll creatively speaking so I made a little spider man out fit for my grunt plushie!

I plan to zip tie him to the backpack during dragoncon :)

I have more pics to share, starting a second post. Stay tuned...















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Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Update time part deux

At this point, everything has been test fitted and I'm confident that it will hold together just fine. My range of motion is way better than my first suit in terms of just general walking around and being able to sit down. I can even hold a weapon in different poses now which is a plus- before all I could do was just stand and look stoic.

I put everything on and did a lap around the block- everything seems pretty good. Here are some images of everything on.



I love this look. My Fiance says its scary looking. Yay!

Here is a good one of the tongue with drool. I have two tongues- one with and one without. The teeth also *almost* look 3d here.

Not sure if I like the Magnum or AR more.

Here's one with the backpack visible.




Thanks for reading.

Big thanks to Sean Bradley for this awesome kit. I could not have brought this character to life without it!

I will be at Dragon Con, hopefully with some of the other 405th guys. If you see me, come get a picture and share it with me please!

See you after convention :)








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Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

After watching the progress of this build and seeing it all come together, I can't help thinking...we need a Carnage companion build. I'm thinking the H4 Soldier or Locus helmets would be a good start for it. If only I had the means...
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Dude, you have done an awesome job on this cross-over.
Loving the helmet / venom head, it does look a little creepy :)
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Just gonna say I love it and that the Venom look should be added in as a multiplayer armour option if they make another ODST game...which they totally should...
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Awesome job. This turned out really good. It will stand out for sure. Looking forward to seeing it this weekend.
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

This is awesome! Next up Carnage? Spider-Man 2099?

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Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Love the idea! I might do something kinda like this on my brothers ODST.
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

fantastic job!!! i agree with the above statement that i think carnage is next lol :)
Re: ODST + Venom cross-over : ODSV

Dude, seriously, so bad ass!!!!

I need to get pics with you at the con!
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