Odst Forearm Help (3D Print)


New Member
I have a Creality Ender 3 and I'm looking to print the forearms, but I'm facing a bit of a challenge. I can't seem to slice the parts into smaller pieces, similar to how I did with my ODST shoulder pad. This is making it difficult to manage the size and fit on my printer, Would it be possible for you to help me slice the model?
Around here we're less about "do it for you" and more about "help you grow your skills".

> Can't
Because?.... What's the issue?

Windows 3d Builder should be able to do simple planar cuts like seen in your photo.
Most slicers have that built in as well.

If we understood the issue we could help you to be able to do it.
Around here we're less about "do it for you" and more about "help you grow your skills".

> Can't
Because?.... What's the issue?

Windows 3d Builder should be able to do simple planar cuts like seen in your photo.
Most slicers have that built in as well.

If we understood the issue we could help you to be able to do it.
So currently I'm using tinkercad cause its simple to cut the parts into pieces. But the problem is that "Too Complex"
Ok. So again, Windows 3d builder should be able to do that without issue. And even your slicer should be able to cut parts. Simply put: If one tool doesn't do what you need, find another tool.

This is OrcaSlicer but most modern slicers have a similar feature built in.


What ive learned is that try and slice the larger parts into even pieces and whats best for printing. for example try and cut it so each bit can print off a flat surface and then you can glue the two flat surface together at the end and then use a filler of some sorts.
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