ODST Project

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Hey everyone its been awhile since my last update, well I finished peping my forearm and I have to say it is one of the best pieces I've done, I have also done some work on my chest core and I have to say it is not pretty in fact its pretty ugly :/
I'll upload the pictures later today or tomorrow morning :D
Here is my current progress :D
My ugly chest core
Here's a test fit in my ABU's
Live long and prosper
BTW sorry for the grainy pictures
Resin update!
So it's been a little since my last update but I did a lot of resining yesterday so here's some pics
Let me know what you think :D
Hey guys I just put a bunch of fiberglass cloth in my armor and I need a little help. So im wondering if one coat of resin on the outside and inside if good, I kind of want to just start sanding and primming, so will just having one outer coat make my armor to weak? Any advice would be very appriciated and I'll upload pictures tomorrow :D
I'd personally go for at least two internal coats and one external prior to fibreglass - bear in mind that the weight of the fibreglass as it cures may pull your piece out of shape, so make sure to brace your piece up well and take things carefully. It doesn't matter too much if you have multiple internal layers, but too many external layers may cause you to lose your crips, defined edges, so most of your structural support needs to come from the inside.

Just be aware of the weight of your piece when applying all of this - fibreglass and resin can end up putting a lot of weight on your piece in the end. Patience is a virtue.
Hey everyone! its been sometime now since I last did an update so here goes, , I've been doing some pep work the past two days so here's the progress
I was working on the right thigh today but after I got a lot done I realized its not the one I scaled to fit me so here's a pic of that
Something I noticed after completing the knife is that this thing is big so I did a size comparison to my eight inch bowie knife
Their both almost the same! That's crazy!
Now I am working on the correctly scaled thighs for my build so I will most likely have some kind of an update tomorrow
So yesterday all I did was pep and there is the results of that
I still have to construct the inter part of the thigh but I'm going to construct the outer part of the left thigh first
So I did some pep work today and here's the results
My ODST left thigh is now done :)
I just have to make the inter part of each thigh and that's it for peping!!! All the ODST armor parts are now peped out!!! Yes I know I still have to do the boot covers but I need to get some shoes to put under them first, the next thing on my pep list is the knife sheath and maybe the back pack I'm still a bit unsure about the backpach though.
Update time :)
So I was up late last night building this,
I know its not very pretty mainly because I got the wrong hot knife but that's the great thing about the chest core it doesn't have to be :D.
Another thing I am going to redo my helmet because my current on is FUBAR and not worth wasting anymore time on so sometime this week my mark 3 ODST helmet should be built
Man do I have a lot to update :)
Hey everyone its been awhile since the last update but I've been busy working on my armor :)
So I've got a new gallon of resin and used it on both the shins and thighs as well as the other shoulder and Reach Spartan knife so here's the pictures of that :)
But sadly I didn't add enough catalyst to the resin so it took a long time to set up so my knife broke into two parts and the wind was kind enough to knock me shoulder and both my shins into the dirt :( so that made me upset and since the resin wasn't done hardening I chose to leave it on the concert in my back yard but I forgot that we have a broken sprinkler that poors water on to the concert so at night the inner part of those pieces (which wasn't coated with resin) got wet :angry
So here's the pictures of that

So yeah that happened :unsure so after that I figured I'd take a break from resin work and work on peping my ODST helmet. Well while doing that my hot glue gun decided to just short out and internally explode :unsure so I've been down on my luck lately :unsure


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Now its time for the good news :)
So the other day I was able to get a new hot glue gun :)
So with it I was able to repair the water damaged areas :)

I also used it to finish peping my ODST helmet this morning :) I went with half and half but splitting it vertically :)

Then I made to half's a whole and glued them together :)

I also got a fresh can of Plasi Dip the other day as well so I'm going to use that on my foam chest core when the sun goes down :)
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