Hey WelshWarrior, that sounds like a plan! The fiberglassing looks great! I bet that doing that (splitting the torso into multiple pieces) will work very well for you! In fact, I think that's what I'll do when I resin my own torso (lol, which isn't even printed yet). I'm sorry it experienced a bit of warping, but I guess that's just inevitable. (Although I bet it would warp less had you used Mks18's unfold of the torso, which, although it has more strips, has many fewer areas with cuts but really-really small tabs ).
Also, the chest plate is looking good! Can't wait to see more stuff glassed!
hey guys, small update here, didnt get as much time as i thought i would to work on the chest today.
Managed to get the first coat of bondo on,
Also gave it a quick sand to all the bumps out and to get the basic shape but i'll be adding another layer of bondo tomorrow to fill some of the bigger recess'
Hey sorry for the double post, but a small update here(yes another one) I got all the holes and imperfections filled in with spot putty, so just need to wet sand it off and hopefully i could have this finished tomorrow, minus the logo and writing i'll be putting on, tell me what you think
@bradinatorrr; Im purchasing a helmet off link in a few weeks when i sort out some issue's, but after the way smilie has made Rundowns helmet alot easier to make i may have ago at one myself, but at the moment its just the suit im aiming for, cheers for the compliments guys, updates tomorrow
Wow, you work fast. And well, for that matter. Great job with the bondo, the piece looks smoother than a babys bottom. Looks like the armor is gonna turn out great!
hey guys, update here and im really really pee'd off with myself. I got the piece as smooth as i could, put down 3 coats of base primer, then went over with 2 coats of black, and i gorra say it looked really good,
it was all going well until me being. the total noob that i am, tried to tape up the bits i wanted black while i sprayed it the yellow colour its supposed to be. i tried the tape i was using on an inconspicuios spot and it worked really well, but when i put it on the two pannels(think thas what there called) it didnt feel right going on, so when i pulled it off on one pannel it left all sticky residue behind and the other just ripped all the black and primer off. i was heart broken so for the last 2 hours i have been trying to repair it so this is where i am now,
update: right not so angry with my self now as i have been working on it again for the last hour,( for such a small piece its taking alot of work, i dont even wanna think about when i start bondoing the torso next week)I at least fixed the pannels so there smooth again and will be giving them a coat of black tomorrow after ive washed it down.
So if anyones got any tips on painting this thing i would be very grateful of it, Thanks
hey, i had a big problem with paint this week which caused me to have to strip both side sections of the chest pannel, this was really annoying to do and in the end almost gave up.
So i started to finish the centre equipment pouch, didnt bother with using bond so i went straight with spot putty filler jus to fill in all the seems and cracks, Its now all ready for primer :rolleyes
so heres what it looks like
Ive also got the chest piece back to a primer-able condition
I know it looks a mess but its all smooth, although it looks far from it from a distance,For some reasson when i went to put the final coat of black on it all started to bubble, you can probably see where the worst of it was due to the exposed bondo, so this time im going to follow the painting tut on here and take my time with it.
Will have both these pieces primered tonight with no hopefully no mishaps.
Hey guys, havent had any updates for a while but over the weekend i managed to get some work done, pic heavy.
first off i started shaping the two middle back sections with bondo
I have also bondo'd the equipment pouch which i am now filling all the holes and imperfections on,
But finally, the thing thats been keeping me occupied for a while, is almost finished.
The main colours are on which i think match the Tarkov colour scheme pretty close. The two sections are a dark grey but the camera makes them seem black. All i've got to do now is add the weathering and damage, plus the the odst logo and Tarkovs name.