1st Build ODST visor techniques that dont involve Vac forming?


New Member
Trying to make my first odst helmet and right now i cant figure out how to make a visor that doesn't involve vac forming. I spoke to my local vac forming place and they said they couldnt do it with the buck i have because of the indents itd get stuck. I tried 3d printing it with transparent PETG and that failed. Any other ideas?


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My first thought would be to vacu-form it yourself. You’re crafty enough to 3D print a helmet, you can probably pull off the basic construction of a home vacuformer. I googled for tutorials and there are a bunch. My substitute visor until I can make one is gold reflective window tinting. Works a little easier for my recon visor than for an ODST helmet, but it works.
We also have several tutorials on making your own out of flexible visor material:

There are also multiple vendors of ready made ODST visors in our community, but, their visors will be sized to match their helmets and so there is no guarantee it will fit yours:

If you have access to a heat gun and a dremel you might be able to use my method for visors.

I just cut and shaped 1/8" plexiglass. and then use a reflective window tint (or it should be viable with the other coloring/tinting methods on the site)

It is a bit time-intensive and takes some practice, but It has worked for me.


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