OK, Legs are done!!!
Big thanks to Ral Partha for another fine unfolding job!
This is one of my first models, so go easy on me... I know there's a few spots that aren't quite right, but the back of the Weta leg is very hard to get right. It should be close enough for most.
It has not been built yet, so if there's any problems at all let me know so it can get fixed.
Weta ODST Knee PDO
Weta ODST Leg with Support
The 2-piece shin and toe guard are one file, the knee is separate. The shin has support struts in the model should you want to use them.
These are scaled at the same size as the last set, 5'-11". You'll have to measure yourself to get a build height for the leg, just use the reference gallery to see how high the shin piece is supposed to go. The knee piece has been scaled to be as wide as the leg piece, so whatever width you end up with for the leg, use that for the knee width.
Here's some hole/ straps/ buckles diagrams, hopefully they make sense:
And here's one of the best pictures I have of the straps from the side: