Pacific Reg (Puyallup, WA) - WA Gaming Expo '24

What days will you be attending?

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Great to see everyone today. Thanks so much for letting me jump in. I'd love to grab the pic of Steve at the booth today if I can.

The link to the google drive is always in my first post when I make the event thread. During the course of the week I will go through people's photos and pull out the best ones into the main folder adding PC Name to the doc for the Photography Credit.

The photo you are looking for is currently in my folder. tag PerniciousCosplay on Instagram. I believe Steve does not want to be tagged in unofficial photos (non paid) and he would rather we all tag the event @wagamingexpo instead . Lukavago can correct me if I am wrong.
The link to the google drive is always in my first post when I make the event thread. During the course of the week I will go through people's photos and pull out the best ones into the main folder adding PC Name to the doc for the Photography Credit.

The photo you are looking for is currently in my folder. tag PerniciousCosplay on Instagram. I believe Steve does not want to be tagged in unofficial photos (non paid) and he would rather we all tag the event @wagamingexpo instead . Lukavago can correct me if I am wrong.
Gaming Expo has requested that any photos taken by con staff be credited to the con itself, and not the photographers. That's as far as my knowledge goes.
Unfortunately my SD card got corrupted or damaged somehow, and I lost all the photos. Would it be possible for me to use photos from other people who took pictures for my newspaper story on the 405th?

Photos in our drive are open use (with permission from staff for outside publication). Yes you can use them for your article. If you can credit people's Instagram if you are using their photos that would be ideal. You can DM me if you have any questions.
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