Paint in not small quantities


New Member
Howdy folks! My college will give out money to students who want to use its maker space for projects so I'm aiming to get a grant and build myself some Halo armor. My supply purchasing is limited as I've got no car and no craft stores within walking distance. Anything I need has to be available online.
I know a ton of folks use spray paint, and I would love to, but shipping spray paint is not really an option so I'm planning on air brushing the suit.

I'm looking for recommendations on airbrush friendly paints I can get in pretty decent quantities. Coming from a model kit background I only know suppliers with pretty small bottles and whatnot lol. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Some of the popular items include airbrush paints such as Vallejo Air, model paints, any craft store acrylic paint watered down, and interior house paint also watered down.

I lean towards house paint samples for my primary color because they run $5-7 US and are 8oz which gives me enough for a full suit plus plenty extra for future updates or touchups.

Secondary depends on the color needed and where it's available, but craft paints and airbrush paints are mainstays in my craft space for secondary and tertiary colors.
Some of the popular items include airbrush paints such as Vallejo Air, model paints, any craft store acrylic paint watered down, and interior house paint also watered down.

I lean towards house paint samples for my primary color because they run $5-7 US and are 8oz which gives me enough for a full suit plus plenty extra for future updates or touchups.

Secondary depends on the color needed and where it's available, but craft paints and airbrush paints are mainstays in my craft space for secondary and tertiary colors.
Thank you so much! This is exactly the info I needed.

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