1st Build Painting and detailing


New Member
Hey guys hope everyone is doing good currently the progress on my suit is going very well, however i cannot decide on what kind of paintjob i want to do 4 example like what colours to use and where to use them i made a helmet paintjob concept but idk about it im into dark colours like violet and blacks and reds but i also want my armor to look nice and not like a plain black suit that looks like a dark blob but also not too bright and flashy that i look like a pinata can i get some help please (also ik its my suit and i should be the one to decide and choose but im brainblocked atm)

P.s here is the helm design and heres a blank odst lineart a friend gave me he said anyone is welcome to use


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I like the design of that helmet, man! You could also get that same purple on the main chestplate and the shoulder plates pretty cleanly as can be seen with the Halo 3 Firefight ODSTs, I'd recommend using a tool called Vanity to make up renders of your ODST (in Vanity it's a Spartan III but you can just add the ODST armour pieces to it and colour it ;) )
Best of luck!
I like the design of that helmet, man! You could also get that same purple on the main chestplate and the shoulder plates pretty cleanly as can be seen with the Halo 3 Firefight ODSTs, I'd recommend using a tool called Vanity to make up renders of your ODST (in Vanity it's a Spartan III but you can just add the ODST armour pieces to it and colour it ;) )
Best of luck!
I would but i rlly do not wanna have to deal with my crappy laptop
I would but i rlly do not wanna have to deal with my crappy laptop
It's actually a really simple program to run, most any computers should be able to run it without issue.
I'd recommend giving it a go even if just to save time on deciding colours and armour options.
Of course it's all up to you in the end though!
Well, it's hard to say exactly what you'll like exactly, but here's some pictures of other ODST's I've met that can hopefully give you some inspiration
101-Halo Shoot Oct 28 hi res-101.jpg

If you like how one of these ODST's look, let me know which one. I'd be happy to direct you to their build threads
Hey guys hope everyone is doing good currently the progress on my suit is going very well, however i cannot decide on what kind of paintjob i want to do 4 example like what colours to use and where to use them i made a helmet paintjob concept but idk about it im into dark colours like violet and blacks and reds but i also want my armor to look nice and not like a plain black suit that looks like a dark blob but also not too bright and flashy that i look like a pinata can i get some help please (also ik its my suit and i should be the one to decide and choose but im brainblocked atm)

P.s here is the helm design and heres a blank odst lineart a friend gave me he said anyone is welcome to use
I love black with the strip on a single side
If you're looking for a good purple to make it not look like a blob...
I suggest Montana Cans Gold Lavender worked out great for my odst
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