Pepakura Plasma Pistol

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Well-Known Member
Here's My pepakura plasma pistol I'm working on. Download at the bottom.
I'm gonna try to use "Great Stuff" in it, but first I'll make little fiberglassed test boxes to make sure it won't explode or implode. If it works, then I'll bondo and paint.


Here's the Plasma Pistol in Pepakura.

Had to edit the original model to get rid of all the open edges, and fuse the top, middle and bottom pieces.


The Plasma Pistol pieces before printing.


Here it is cut out and scored.



Finished assembling it.

It takes up 8 pages, split into 27 pieces.
The 100% scale (MC size), is 86 (MCs height), so just set the scale to your height in inches, and it will be scaled to you.
The _ . _ . _ is a mountain fold, and the _ _ _ _ is a valley fold. The numbers and lines go one the outside, tabs on the clear side.

Possibilities for strengthening:
  1. Apply A LOT of resin.
  2. Resin twice, then fiberglass outside,
  3. Great Stuff Expanding Foam
  4. Resin outside, then pour resin inside, not full, then rotate it around to get an even layer on the inside (as sugested by homsar66).
  5. Split plasma pistol open, glue in fiberglass strips, reassemble, then use homsar66's method.
Pepakura plasma pistol file.
Plasma Pistol Download
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Robogenisis said:
Here's My pepakura plasma pistol I'm working on. I'll probably finish assembling it this weekend.
I'm gonna try to use "Great Stuff" in it, but first I'll make little test boxes to make sure it won't explode or implode. Then a layer or to of fiberglass, then bondo, and finally paint.
Here's the Plasma Pistol in Pepakura.
Had to edit the original model to get rid of all the open edges, and fuse the top, middle and bottom pieces.
Here it is cut out and scored.

It's half-way assembled now, I'll post pics of the assembled one when I finish it.

Great stuff will blow up anything made of just paper :D
A buddy of mine ruined the hood on his S-10 with great stuff. He wanted to smooth out the "frame" so he filled the holes with the foam in order to sand them smooth and cover the whole under side in Rhino Lining. The top of the hood had bumps all over it.
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I was going to try the "gaps and cracks" stuff in plain paper, resined, and fiberglassed boxes, with small and big overfill holes. If they dont explode, then I'll use Great Stuff, If they do, I'll figure something else out.
Give me other ideas.
is your pep of the halo 2 or 3 version? I have been playing with the halo: ce version, and I know it has more detail than that one heh

I don't want to sound like an ass, but would you be able to post the pep file for that plasma pistol, it's freakin awesome compared to others i've seen, a great addition to anyones personal plasma arsenal.
Thanks in advance.
Spartan_224 said:
I don't want to sound like an ass, but would you be able to post the pep file for that plasma pistol, it's freakin awesome compared to others i've seen, a great addition to anyones personal plasma arsenal.
Thanks in advance.

Sure. No problem. I updated my first post with the file. :)
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another thing, how many sheets of carrdstock wolud the pistol need? I'm just trying to add everything up so i can figure out what I need so I can get it all at once.
Spartan_224 said:
another thing, how many sheets of carrdstock wolud the pistol need? I'm just trying to add everything up so i can figure out what I need so I can get it all at once.

Updated 1st post. 8 pages, 27 pieces.
Finished assembling it today. :D Put new pictures up in the first post.
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Nice. Could be the most realistic plasma pisttol I've seen. Anyway, the way im stiffening my pep needler is to resin the outside first, then to pour in a ton of resin and cut up fiberglass mixed together, but not enough to fill it up all the way(maybe like 6 oz.) Then im going to keep turning it around like they fill the helmet molds(as in adams odst helmet mold video). I figure it'll probably have enough strength to hold up to whatever i decide to do to it.
hey, just finished cutting out the pieces, wondering what dotted line is valley fold and which is the moutain fold. (haven't done pepakura before)
homsar66 said:
Nice. Could be the most realistic plasma pisttol I've seen. Anyway, the way im stiffening my pep needler is to resin the outside first, then to pour in a ton of resin and cut up fiberglass mixed together, but not enough to fill it up all the way(maybe like 6 oz.) Then im going to keep turning it around like they fill the helmet molds(as in adams odst helmet mold video). I figure it'll probably have enough strength to hold up to whatever i decide to do to it.

That sounds like a good idea. I might try that with a test box.

Spartan_224 said:
hey, just finished cutting out the pieces, wondering what dotted line is valley fold and which is the moutain fold. (haven't done pepakura before)

Lets see, in this one the _ . _ . _ is a mountain fold, and _ _ _ _ is a valley fold. The numbers and lines go one the outside, tabs on the clear side.
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Great stuff will only explode weak paper. Two exterior coats of resin will make it strong enough to resist the great stuff. Just leave the injection holes open for any overpressure.
someone add a pdf file of this not so much detail, im lazy.

(by the way, im not all lazy, i can make lots of websites in 1 day.)
Arbiter452 said:
someone add a pdf file of this not so much detail, im lazy.
(by the way, im not all lazy, i can make lots of websites in 1 day.)
I've replaced the lengthy flaming of you with a plain NO.
The reason for this is mainly the demanding it, and the "I'm lazy". I also expect that your websites aren't very good.
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im not all lazy. my websites are OK, but i wouldnt call them great. i wouldnt call them bad also. ive done hard stuff, but not that hard. but i would like it, and i dont want to demand it. whenever you want to do it you can. even next year.
Awesome Pepakura model here. Really good work. I am adding it to my list of models to do.

n00b questions here. How do you resin this bad boy? Is there a sticky or how to some where I missed? Because with armor you add the mat to the inside and just resin the outside. How do you mat the inside of a weapon? What do you fill the weapons empty insides with or do you do that at all?
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