Hey Jax. Glad to hear you are interested. If you have any pictures we'd love to see the progress you've gotten through so far. Some of us are further than others. We can set up another Sugar Bowl Meeting if you'd like to meet the crew. It's our unofficial induction process to meet at Sugar Bowl with at least 2 or 3 members. Would you be interested in that? We're based out of Scottsdale so it would be in Downtown Scottsdale. Yea or nay?
ALSO: Attention all members - I'm thinking about starting a fund to help all of us. There's a machine that does all the cutting and scoring for the peping process. It costs roughly $300 some odd dollars. If we could all pool our resources it'd cost us like... $35-$45 a person, but it would save us all so much time (for those of us who have a lot left to do). Would you guys be interested? I would obviously vote we keep it at Roxy's house, seeing as it's our unofficial "base" of operations (I must like the word unofficial tonight...). I'd really like to get one just because I'm slow at the pep process. Let me know please and thanks.