Photoshop Graphics and 3d guys

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and it looks like the marine logo also.....think this one would look better on the armors
I didn't create a logo... but I made a sweet banner for a personal website ;)
Simplistic detail is the key, unless adam wants something super detailed.

Btw...the guy in my pic, was not a photoshop...iron ons rock.

Dont highlight below this line.
Ya he was just a photoshop....:/
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No offense to anyone, but the logos you guys create aren't looking all that professional. Basically all I see is a text layer, a basic render, and some adjustment layer.

Depth is the key to all images, I may create one myself.
mine is simple. but involves fanart, photomanip, and it portrays the site well.

AND as an added bonus - not only does my project come with the logo, it comes with a matching skin for the board, plus rank icons / badges and buttons.

I <3 CSS. I <3 Photoshop. I <3 Grunts.

blinds0rz (or whatever your name is... basically, the guy who posted above) - I will add depth. Bear in mind though, I quit graphics design about a year ago and haven't used photoshop since... (not counting my sig, which I made in about 3 minutes - including cutting the image out, saving the picture, and uploading it to photobucket)
I put 5 layers of masterchief just to make him look that way....I spent a good ammount of time, redoing stuff to make it look that way, you didnt make it, so dont try eye balling it and saying not much work was put into it.
blinded - I wouldn't mind seeing your attempt at something.

Just so you know, blinzdo1rasfasd or whoever you are, I'm in a multimedia design class with an average grade of A+. And I think they look fine. IronCobra - please fix the hard-to-read text/graphics and it will look fine.
I never took a class on how to use photoshop or any designing programs, I learnt from screwing around, still a few things I dont understand.
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