1st Build [PIC HEAVY] First Cosplay - ODST - [ongoing]

Wow, that Visor chrome looks really good! What did you use? alclad?
Thank you! I guess I forgot to mention what I did, but yes, I used the Alclad II Chrome (Which can be found in some Hobby Shops in Canada for $12-15 per bottle).

I had to really clean the visor well with alcohol because it wasn’t sticking the first time. In my case, I needed to use at least two 1/3 loads of my airbrush at 20 psi with a 2-3 inch distance for it to stick. The visibility is much better than I expected. Many other members said that they could barely see through theirs, or in some cases, that they were practically blind while in the helmet. The visibility in mine is as clear as regular mirror sunglasses. However, I definitely need to install fans as the helmet does fog (not due to the chroming)

I decided not to dye it and just did the chroming.
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