Piecing 3D printed parts together?

Hey all. What do you think is the best way to put 3D printed pieces back together after they've been cut to fit on your printing bed?
lots of people do it differently. some have used epoxy, superglue, contact cement, CA glue, physical welding exc. but what i recommend is a combination of several. What i would recommend if you can afford it is a CA glue bind with a physical plastic weld as well. Essentially creating a chemical and physical bond.

Basically just connecting the two parts with CA glue then using a soldering iron, or those heat staples, and pressing it into the print. (if you do the heat staples make sure to do the back side not the front where you want it to look good.) then fill whatever gaps you have with extra filament. Ik I tend to just use a soldering iron since thats all I really have and it works well but ideally I'd wanna use CA and plastic welding with a soldering iron. USE PROPER PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)
My go-to is CA glue with some sort of reinforcement. If you get the stuff that comes with an activator you'll be able to put the parts together in no time. As far as reinforcement goes I've used 2-part epoxy and had lots of success. I've also heard good things about metal ties that get pressed into the plastic as well as plastic welding.
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