Pilot to Pilot Uplink Confirmed: Gypsy Danger and Cherno Alpha activated

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Bit o' progress but I'm a little annoyed. First off the cod piece looks like a giant foam diaper...


But the real problem I'm having is a spacing one...gonna have to fudge things around a bit because as it is the abs aren't fitting flush with myc hest:

So the next step is to pad things out so it all fits properly...though if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears


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so we've had some progress. My shoulders are done for the moment:

They're rather simple at the moment since I'm planning on installing some stuff into them, and I wanna see how they align with the biceps first...that said

Hailee's done with her legs:

And she's still short


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How is the range of motion in these suits? So far I think you are the first people i have seen build ones like them on these forums.
Well for myself mobility is pretty good. I have almost total range of motion leg wise but armwise the chest's size means that I'll need proportional forearms and hands to cross my chest. Hailee is having a similar problem. Unfortunately all my testing so far has been rather informal due to having to put all the components on myself (which is...difficult at best for some of the bigger stuff like the shoulders or the arms).

Also, it's amazing how a morph suit can make any guy look like a middle aged dude while it makes any girl look curvaceous...o.0

Anyways, Hailee's got her biceps done, and we're padding out her head today:

We also bought morph suits as undersuits, so I decided to test out my assembly so far:


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Would you mind showing how her feet sit on the risers you built? I'm just not seeing it, and my own girlfriend is bugging me to be Jeagers next year haha. She wants to be Cherno, and I wanted to find a way to do Tacit Ronin...

Your builds are looking AMAZING! Can't wait to see them painted!
Yes! I so wanted an update on this. Not much to say really, that last picture looks amazing. If you don't mind me asking, is tipping a risk at all for Cherno? With that topheavy look, and risers you were talking about, I could see that being an issue, seeing how heavy the chest is.
Would you mind showing how her feet sit on the risers you built? I'm just not seeing it, and my own girlfriend is bugging me to be Jeagers next year haha. She wants to be Cherno, and I wanted to find a way to do Tacit Ronin...

Your builds are looking AMAZING! Can't wait to see them painted!

Tacit Ronin is gonna be tricky...I would suggest looking at digigrade stilt designs online. Werewolf costumes have some pretty good ones. As for her feet:


I've circled and colored her toes in red. She sits on the shoes like they're heels, as you can see in this picture I posted further back in the thread:

That grey prong is where her foot goes.

Yes! I so wanted an update on this. Not much to say really, that last picture looks amazing. If you don't mind me asking, is tipping a risk at all for Cherno? With that topheavy look, and risers you were talking about, I could see that being an issue, seeing how heavy the chest is.

Well the chest isn't so much heavy as precariously balanced. It only weighs about 5 or 6 lbs at most distributed throughout her core (with most of the weight at shoulder and chest height actually), the trouble is padding it out properly so she can see out of it without it tipping foreward when she bends over. We actually did some unstilted walking tests today and she didn't have any tipping problems, but I wanna get her on the stilts more so she'll get more used to them and walking around in them.


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Halloween's fast approaching and cash is running tight...but there is still a light shining in the darkness!



And of course: Elbow Rocket!

The hands unfortunately are still a work in progress...and I'm running out of money to buy string to make them mobile...


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Could you please tell me what glue your using, and the steps/tools/tips on glueing? I'm trying to build Gypsy danger for my 5 yr old, and I'm getting my butt kicked....
Could you please tell me what glue your using, and the steps/tools/tips on glueing? I'm trying to build Gypsy danger for my 5 yr old, and I'm getting my butt kicked....

Well the first step is sizing up the pep files properly. I don't just mean getting the dimensions right (which is a bitch with some of these parts since they draw at an angle) but also only printing the pieces you'll actually need to cut out. That will save you a lot of headaches later because you won't feel so overwhelmed cutting parts out and you'll feel like you've progressed faster.

As to the gluing, I use a standard low temp cheap piece of crap hot glue gun from walmart. It works well in both foam and foamies, you just have to make sure you use too much rather than too little because too little is a bitch to fix while too much can be fixed with some wire cutters or moddling snips. The trick with glueing the foam is to make sure the surface is as smooth as you can get it. Unless you feel like risking a heat knife I went with a dremel ($40 at walmart) that comes with a sanding attachment and runs on a cord (much easier to deal with than a battery and can be used at any time without needing charging). Also I use foamies for small, thin, or angled pieces because they're less finicky than trying to create hard corners with two foam pieces.

To get the curves I use a cheap ass $20 harbor freight heat gun (That I got for free as a gift from my father...he does sign work and had a spare) which for me means heating the entire part, curving to a rough shape, then heating and curving small areas until I get the shape I want.
You actually have the pep files for the entire suit? :eek

If it's possible, may I have the files? I've been hunting down for the other suit files but no one seems to have them other than the Chest, Back, Codpiece, and the Helmet.

I'm currently making my own suit as well, but I'm not coping you with the foam technique, I'm doing it old school cardstock and fiberglass.

Even in foam you can't copy me because about 30% of the details in my suit aren't in the pep files :p as far as finding them search around here for them, or on therpf. You may also try contacting SriLanKING, as it is his files which I am using for both suits.
Painting has begun. We've got the basecoats just about done which means the color schemes are lookin pretty simplistic at the moment...I like to think it looks good but I know it's missing a lot:



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your thread was an inspiration

Painting has begun. We've got the basecoats just about done which means the color schemes are lookin pretty simplistic at the moment...I like to think it looks good but I know it's missing a lot:

I found this thread from The RPF and I'm so glad I did. My son wanted to be Gypsy Danger for Halloween and between the pepakura files and your pics, I was able to make it happen. He even won first prize in his Tae Kwon Do studio's costume contest. Here are some pics as a 'thank you' for being an inspiration when I was down in the trenches fighting with foam, hot glue, and a looming deadline of Oct. 31st.

My son waiting for his studio to open:

After winning 1st place ( 50 bucks! ):

The obligatory "stand with your brother" picture for his mom:

My little jaegar on patrol for Kaiju... or candy.. He destroys both of them equally fast.

He and I in front of our "Insane Asylum" themed house.

I can't wait to see the rest of your build!!!


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Everyone! Listen up!


At the edge of our hope

at the end of our time

we've chosen not only to believe in ourselves...but in each other!

Today we face the monsters that are at our door! And bring the fight to them!


Overall the suits are at about 70% each. Hailee's stilts disintegrated unfortunately so we're tweaking them to make them more stable (more wood and nails, less foam and gorilla glue) which is why she's in converse in the pics. She was very sad to be short.


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Too bad about the stilts. Otherwise the suits look great. Even at only 70%, they are very convincing.
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