So sadly things got really hectic these past couple weeks, in part because the two classes I was going to take over the summer in order to graduate by august got cancelled due to not enough people signing up for them, but also because we were actually making two suits: Leatherback, and a Spartan IV. Specifically, Cherno was making her own spartan IV, which meant she was unable to help us work on leatherback despite putting in literally 12 hour days nonstop for a month...and here's the fruits of her labors:
The visor was originally transparent (vacuum formed by me) but when following the "how to make a transparent master chief visor" tutorial over at the 405th, we accidentally laid the metalizer on too thick and it became too opaque to see However, for a month's worth of work I was suitably impressed, particularly since, while the Arizona heat was punishing to all our suits, the only critically important thing that broke on her suit...I made (the undersuit)
She went friday in it and things turned out pretty good (I went in my XV22, seen here:
But we managed to miss Roxyroo in her spartan (which is a bummer...wanted to thank her for giving me the idea to use duct tape to cast Hailee and make making the suit a lot easier)
Also unfortunately, because of how hectic everything was getting Leatherback wearable and ready for Comic con, we didn't really get a lot of pics of him, just stuff from the masquerade really. Still, here's what I've been able to find of our time there!
And of course a video someone was kind enough to post:
Which, thanks to some awesome music we set up with Audacity and the sheer awesomeness of two Jaegers beating on a Kaiju at long last, we won First Place in the masterclass!
Though the heat meant that leatherback was not so intact by the end of things...we'll probably be completely redoing most of him with a foam musculature under a morphsuit style "skin". This will allow us to make the limbs separate pieces like halo armor and maintain structural integrity along with accuracy while still allowing Colton to be mobile.
We also met some great people at 8 Bit brewery who gave Hailee a nice mug that was awesome (don't have pics unfortunately

) and a guy at the booth next to them who gave me a pretty cool poster:
And what I believe is his tumblr @DXVISUAL (but I don't know if that's a tumblr account, deviantart, or what). The poster was a conglomeration of a bunch of pins and temporary tattoos he was selling, which look I think pretty bitching as tats and I totally wish I had more of them