Planet Comicon Kansas City Info and Roll Call: March 21-23, 2025 (Kansas City, MO)


Also added new photoshoot information to the first post. Photoshoot is subject to change locations due to weather.
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I will be at planet! Sorry for submitting so late. I'm excited to see the booth!!!

Also planning at least 6 of us from Fireteam Discord (Caretaker, Blondie, Chad, Elyse, Bailey, and myself.) If not a couple more lol

I'll chat with the team, we'd probably like to attend dinner.
Make sure if you plan on joining for dinner on Saturday evening that you fill out this form. We'll use this to help inform what and how much to order. Fill out by end of day Thursday.

Fair warning for those driving in; there will be road closures around the convention center. Pics have the details!

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