Progress Update - PIC HEAVY
FINALLY! Here's my newest progress update fellas. Sorry it's taken so long.
Cod Piece
Well to start off, I think it would be best if I told you what kind of pepping I got done. Unfortunately, not much

What I've done is I've been scaling the cod piece. I've made 3 size testers, one way too big, one kinda too big, and one that I kinda like the size of. Here are some pics of the one that I like. It's scaled to a width of 370 mm with an approximate inner width of 300 mm.
NOTE: I do still need to re-size the torso. It'll be slightly bigger than how it is now so please keep that in mind.
For some reason I feel like this one is slightly small...
I do like it better than the other ones I made though!
Here's to give you a little bit of an idea of what it will look like.
What do you guys think of its size? Like I said it seems a
little bit small compared to the torso and I feel like the top of the side of the cod and the bottom of the side of the torso should be a little closer. I'm thinking if I were to make the cod bigger then it should only be by about 50 to 100 mm. Any bigger and it would be too big I think. Also, I have no problem making another tester, they only take about two hours max!
Moving on...
So the other thing that I did over the past few days is I got my Xbox up here in my dorm! This means that I was able to whip out good ole' Halo 3, go into theater, and get some FANTASTIC reference pictures.
Since I've had the chance to get a really detailed look at all of Master Chief I've switched my game plan a little bit. In other words, I have some different ideas for what I want to do with this suit. In a nutshell, I'm looking to make my suit as close to an EXACT replica of Master Chief in Halo 3 as possible. I'll explain more underneath all of the upcoming pictures
The Gloves
It seems that gloves are a very difficult thing to get "just right" for these suits. Fora while I've been looking for some good reference pictures of the gloves so I could try to replicate them but I haven't had any luck, until now.
Here's what I
would like to do with my gloves. I would definitely have to make them myself but I think it could work.
When I say "exact" I don't mean just the looks of the material. Ideally, I want to make the gloves out of durable yet flexible material and make them "feel" like the real thing not just look like it.
At the very least, I would like to make the gloves to look like in Halo 3. Perhaps after I've completed the armor I'll work on the under-suit. This is just an idea... for now.
The Boots
The boots, to me, are just as important as the torso. And I don't just mean the top of the boots that everybody sees, but the sole more particularly.
If I had the tools and materials I would try to make the sole look exactly like these but I don't haha. So the next best thing I could come up with is buying a pair of large, old, boots, cutting off the soles, shaping them, then attaching them to the bottom of the boot.
The other thing I want to do to the boots is make them function as if I were Master Chief putting on my armor. In other words, do you see those black buckles? I want to attach buckles like those and make the two pieces of the rear part of the boot easily detachable but also easy to reattach. These buckles I think are called "Latch Buckles" and are very similar to those found on ski boots.
If anyone knows the name of this type of buckle, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! They will define the rest of my suit... thanks
The Neck Seal
I've seen a lot of different suits and a lot of different types of neck seals. In order for me to make my suit as close to MC as possible, the neck seal is absolutely essential. I consider the neck seal to be as important as the armor so hopefully I can make one of those bad boys out of leather or something...
This is what I would like it to look like. A while back I think I saw a template of this same kind of neck seal but I can't seem to find it anymore for the life of me. Has anyone seen this template? If so, please let me know, I would really appreciate it!
The Helmet
I am still planning on making another helmet and on this helmet I'm hoping to capture a few of the more overlooked details of MC's helmet. One
tiny detail I saw was this...
Do you see the small white lines running from the front to the back of the helmet? No? well how about in this picture?
This blew me away. I have never seen a helmet with these lines on. I'm sure some exist but either way I am now planning to do this. I love the minor details on this suit, they're so great
The Emblem
I know this is a long way away but I'm set on designing some type of emblem and painting it on the right shoulder. Also, have you ever seen the detail stripes on MC? in the pic below it's the green stripe. I'm planning on painting these details on mine.
Well I've never realized it but that's not just a solid stripe. It has the letter "VI" printed in it.
The Rest
Please keep in mind that in the previous picture, I am not planning on using that color scheme. I'm planning to make it MC green with the detail being slightly brighter.
I mentioned those buckles in the "boots" section. I'm hoping to implement those throughout the suit. I want to be able to remove each piece without having to remove anything else, just as it would be for MC. I'm not sure exactly how each piece would work but I know it can be done.
If you look at
my photobucket you'll see that I have some of the reference pictures put up on there. I'll post the rest of them so you can get a good look at what it is I'm going for.
I may end up pepping another tester for the cod piece depending on the feedback I get from you guys. I'll post again as soon as I have more to post about!
P.S. Sorry for the massive pics....