Portland Fan Expo 2025

What days do you plan on going

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405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Portland fan expo is coming up so I’m starting the thread for it!

January 24th - 26th!

Don’t miss out! Alan Tudyk the voice of Mickey from alpha nine will be there

Will you be going?
I apologize for the lack of updates but we have a booth! And we would love for folks to stop by regardless if you’re in costume or not, come swing by and say Hi!

Here’s some info that will help you find us

We will be at booth E112

There’s also some other Info about the weekend!

“Show Hours:
Friday 3 PM – 8 PM^
Saturday 10 AM – 7 PM
Sunday 10 AM – 5 PM

Booth duty:
CTN04529- Sunday, Saturday
Carr – Sunday
PapaSola-S647- Sunday/Saturday filler
Hibson-S056-Saturday morning till afternoon
Kahn – Friday, Saturday
GalaxySailor - Fill
Baron-S080 - Fill
Possible others

If you are in a fill position that means you are free to work the booth whenever is convenient for you, so you can relieve people on shift or be part of any shift you want, if you’d like one day specifically that is also fine just let me know which day you want. Side note I would like 2 people at the booth at all times.

If you have a whole day that doesn’t mean you have to be at the booth the whole day, but you should be checking every few hours to make sure at least 2 people are manning it.
Feel free to take breaks, and feel free to be at the booth when its not your scheduled times, just make sure to be there during your times and have someone cover you if you step away.
Baron is coordinating with the autism society, so we may need to spend some time with them.
If a official meet up isn’t scheduled plan for a Saturday photo shoot. This doesn’t have to be extra, we should just have the most people in armor that day.

Lastly this isn’t a job, have fun, if you aren’t feeling it, just let me know, this is a volunteer position, lets have fun

PS all my plans are open to suggestions, I am learning as I go” ~ Kahn 319
Hanging at the FanExpo today!

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