Rakshasa ODST Build


Jr Member
I've been playing a lot of Halo 3 ODST lately, and wanted to work on my own ODST. Whilst looking for inspiration, I came across this post on Pinterest that I absolutely fell in love with. Been wanting to make a Rakshasa Build at some point, so I decided to merge the two together. Here's the plan:


I've gone around and gotten the various files. I'll leave links to the Etsy/store pages where I got these incase anyone wants to grab these files.

Rakshasa Core
Firefall Helmet
Sacrifice/ODST Attachment
CQC Shoulders
Lone Wolf Knife

Here's the current progress on the prints. Previously I've decided to go for the smallest prints and work my way up to the largest. However, this time I'm a little less clueless and decided to go the for the big prints and work my way down. I've gotten the helmet, chest plate, and attachments printed and ready to go. Little worried the helmet might be a little too big, unfortunately this was the smallest I could print it while making clearance for my head to fit inside. If anyone has any tips on how to shrink the Helmet a bit and still making it wearable lemme know!


Looking forward to finishing this set off!
I’m working on an ODST/Rak too! I think your helmet is going to be fine. A lot of people see their helmet on their armor less body and panic that it looks too big — but the armor, especially the shoulders, are going to add a decent amount of bulk to your body.
I’m working on an ODST/Rak too! I think your helmet is going to be fine. A lot of people see their helmet on their armor less body and panic that it looks too big — but the armor, especially the shoulders, are going to add a decent amount of bulk to your body.
Awesome! Love to see your progress if you got a thread for it! Regarding the helmet, that’s what I’m hoping for. The CQC Shoulders should add a good amount of bulk.

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