Ranger's Halo 3: Mk VI Build

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Hell then id be using it for texts haha, its a pain getting my phone out of my thigh pouches, stupid Dinner plate iphone plus haha its a very tight fit
Haha i wish that was my case lol this damn wetsuit/undersuit i made does have a downside i suppose :lol: No pockets
I'm using a Lycra diveskin. Keeps me cool. Plus, I found if I stick my phone and ID in a plastic baggy, I can shove it into the front zipper like a boob pocket ;)

Also dang! I wish I could have been at the Microsoft thing with Random Ranger. I'm with family out in Tennessee right now, and I would have loved to go to that in cosplay. Ah well, there's always next time...
Many have tried to stop Fireteam off the Rails but have only added to it's forward momentum. CAN'T STOP THIS TRAIN.
So I dont understand. The train is crazy and it of control, hence it being off the rails, but for someone who is bringing up physics, why does it never slow down?

Also this thread has expanded more than any I have ever seen in a short amount of time. Maybe even too much in one day... YOU GOING TO BRING THE SITE DOWN! Let's give art some noise ;)
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