Ranger's HUD (v2)

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Given I'm currently a bit burnt out on the foam crafting, I've decided it's about time to give the HUD another shot. Here's a VR screenshot I managed to accomplish in 1 day starting on a new app from scratch:


I think this one's going to be more successful long term than my last one given how much simpler the code is :)

Next steps:
* Improve framerate
* Build out custom assets so I'm not relying on screen-grabs
* Modularize the HUD components so they're not fixed/static
* Build infrastructure for custom HUD elements (e.g. health metrics for the wearer)
Loving it. What are you using to build it? SDK's, language(s), etc.
Loving it. What are you using to build it? SDK's, language(s), etc.
This was just raw Android SDK (Java, not Kotlin) with the included CameraX package. It looks like I'll have to migrate down to the Camera2 package so I can build in performance improvements though. I tried working with XR tools, but honestly I think they're over engineered for how simple this app is. Not to mention deprecated and unsupported.

I'd love to tie it in to your tac pad down the line.
I'd love to tie it in to your tac pad down the line.

You're gonna have to support iOS, and I'll have to get Android caught up to iOS for that to work. We're walking down entirely different tech stacks right now.
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