Rank logo discussions

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Xavier said:

Yeah! I like where this is going; not only using the laurels to denote command rank, but also differing colouration of the background, and further separating the lower ranks by the same method. I think that too is a good idea. Keep it coming! I think this is really starting to take shape... :cool:
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Yeah! I like where this is going; not only using the laurels to denote command rank, but also differing colouration of the background, and further separating the lower ranks by the same method. I think that too is a good idea. Keep it coming! I think this is really starting to take shape... :cool:

Just an FYI.. at the moment, the charter is looking at 4 tiers of leadership:
Leader - 1 person
Upper - maybe 5-7 people
Lower - leadership of local level groups
member - anyone not in an elected or appointed position.

I would suggest that if you guys want to go the route of ranked insignia. you just keep it to 4 variations and remember.. the "basic member" should be able to have something they're proud of, just like the reast, and not like a single private stripe with bozo the clown on it or something.

the original laurel version that appeared on the site was Adam's version which showed a blue laurel.. I kinda' liked that.. perhaps it could be blue laurels at member.. Black laurels at lower management, gold laurels at upper, and if folks agree upon using the bird, then that could be the club leader. Or perhaps those background color changes could be used instead of changing the laurel colors.
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23Magnum said:
Wow you go away for a couple days and look at what happens...

Lots of additional progress is good to see.

I like the idea of ranks, sort of. Just wondering how you're going to pull it off monetarily. Stickers, I guess would be your best bet, but I don't think that would look very professional. Some interchangeable system should be used. I have an idea. I'll post it when it's ready. I'll keep in mind those four levels rank as well.


I could also make molds to make rank symbols for armor or pens. I've got alil extra material :D

I could make each one up like I did the one posted here.
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1-Leaders (mods)
2-Community Staff
3-Regional Leaders
4-State Leaders
5-over 500 posts
6-over 250 posts
7-over 100 posts
8-0-99 posts (no rank)
well, leaders arent going to be mods, they are going to be LEADERS of the 405th, not leaders of the forums.....

These are going be ranks of OFFICIAL 405th positions.
well yea, but dont you think the mods should become the leaders? they have been such for a long time.
Xavier said:
1-Leaders (mods)
2-Community Staff
3-Regional Leaders
4-State Leaders
5-over 500 posts
6-over 250 posts
7-over 100 posts
8-0-99 posts (no rank)

Rank should NOT be tied to post count - 500 posts of "Cool" and "looks good!" will quickly become the norm (post whoring). Rather the "leadership positions" should be elected or selected based on maturity, organizational abilities, professionalism, and the willingness to put in the time it takes to maintain and grow the organization. Individual ranks should be applied as selected by the leadership positions (think promotions) based upon standardized basic criteria - active forum presence, presentation grade armor/costume, attendence at events, willingness to assist new members, etc. It has been said several times that the 405th Infantry and the 405th Forums will not be the same organization so while active participation in the forum should be expected and encouraged, the 405th Infantry "Rank System" needs to stand on its own...

Something else to consider - the "Public Face" at events. Who is authorized to say what and to whom when representing the 405th? Specifically - interviews, the press, on camera, gaming press, etc. All it takes is one poorly considered comment or slur and we could be buried before we have a chance to recover. The SCA recently had to add an officer just for Media Relations because of the potential for bad press created by even well-meaning members.

This may or may not be tied to traditional ranks as an individual could be a high ranking officer and still not be comfortable with public speaking or adept at risk management. There should be a designated "Media Contact" at any organized event, especially if there will be a large public presence. This in conjunction with a "405th Code of Conduct" should head off most potential issues before they become problems. Hopefully some of this will be addressed in the Charter...
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it was just an idea dude, want to crucify me again?

just a way to fit in all ranks that were made up... maybe we only need 6, but we still need them.

2-Community Staff
3-Regional Leaders
4-State Leaders
5-People who have armor
6-People who dont have armor
Xavier said:
it was just an idea dude, want to crucify me again?

I don't think he was trying to crucify you, he was only trying to show you all the things that need to be considered. This is a fan site, but to turn it into something more than a forum we will need leaders and not just guys that post alot.
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DoC ByTeS said:
This is a fan site, but to turn it into something more than a forum we will need leaders and not just guys that post alot.

i agree.

when i said post count, i was referring to the level of activity in the community.
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Xavier said:
it was just an idea dude, want to crucify me again?

??? Where did that come from ??? As far as I know I've never crucified you once, let alone again... I've never actually been crucified, but my understanding of the full process leads me to believe that it is more-or-less a one-shot deal...

I apologize if I misunderstood your intent but you didn't say "level of activity in the forum", you said "post count" and because that was what you said, I thought that was what you meant. I was in no way rude, abrasive, or disrespectful in my response. I was simply stating an opposing viewpoint and trying to illustrate some of the challenges that the 405th will have to face as we move this venture forward...

Everyone who participates in the ground-floor development process will have slightly different opinions as to the proper way to proceed. We as a group need to realize that and be prepared to conduct discussions like business meetings - please don't become offended or feel personally slighted because someone disagrees with a particular stance you have taken. Active and rational discussion, collaboration, and compromise will decide whether we succeed or fail...

So in short - sorry if you were offended but no personal attack was intended, just my response to your suggestion.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming :D
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neways, how do you guys think we should measure the level of activity? it a way that cant be cheated?

Maybe we could count the min. that a person is "active"
Rob said:
This is the banner page right?
heh, yea, tell me about it.
still, i suppose its interesting. in relation to rank because of armour, what about ppl who dont have armour yet but have made one or two 3d models?
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23Magnum said:
That's where the 'Cadet' rank comes into play. It's for all those learning and still creating their armor, but are still members.
kewl. so im a cadet. guna check the army symbol fot that now. :)
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