Ravarkian's Foam Noble 6 Build (WIP)

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Looks awesome. You could almost hide a Bluetooth ear piece in there to call people from your suit :)
Subbed. if you don't mind me asking, do you still have the modified helmet file you made to work with the foam? I'm doing a foam build myself, and I was contemplating what I would do for my helmet; but seeing your results gives me confidence that it can be done with foam. keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing the rest!
Sure, FenixFallen. I'll try poking around with the foam version I have, had some bits on it that it didn't need for the foam and what not. I'll have it up on the first post of this thread tomorrow.
Thanks again everyone! And the first post of this thread now includes the foam file I used for my helmet! Now, a few things to note, there are quite a few raised and lowered parts that need some clever cuts like the side sections. I would also recommend a heat gun for the best results! Let me know if you have any questions though. Also, I'm glad I've inspired others to make foam helmets too, maybe it won't seem so daunting for newer members to make an entire foam suit including the helmet if foam helmets are more common.
What I've found to be helpful with a foam helmet was to make various cross-section pieces and use them to check the curves I've heat shaped into the various parts. I've made a side cross-section for the top and a top cross-section for the bottom and it helped a lot.

Unfortunately you need to manually model them into an existing pep file (I've made my own 3D models and unfolds) and you also have to accommodate for the foam's thickness somehow.
Thanks for the comments everyone, I really appreciate the feedback! I've started work on my chest piece and hoping it will be complete soon. With any luck, I'll be finished by monday for the weekly update and just maybe I can get a few extras done as well.

Glad to see the 405th back to full working order, allowing me to resume updates on my armor here! Sorry to say I haven't gotten too much done in that time though... Kinda been on hold, but I'll have an update on up tomorrow to show you what I've been up to. Happy building!
Alright, time to make up for lost time everyone! Now, I could have sworn I had more updates on the 405th, but I guess not. Well, it doesn't matter because it's update time!

Updates 3-4
Update 3: Mark V Torso/Update 3.2: Ab Plate
The chest is now 90% complete, the only thing left to do is finish both the arm and neck seals. I still need to decide how I'm going to tackle that. The chest took around 2 weeks to complete and just about an actual 7 days of work. The EVA foam construction didn't take near as long as the craft foam detailing though. The chest base was built from a foam template pep file while the ab plate was scratch built, additionally, I made edits to the front that made it easier to put together with foam and some portions of the chest are scratch built as well. Used all the same materials as my helmet as well as two buckles on the bottom section of the chest so I can put it on. I estimate it took 40$ or more of materials to build the chest so far.
The fit is just about perfect as well, as you can see by my duct tape dummy wearing the suit so far. Also, I'm not sure which is heavier, my helmet or the chest. Either way they are both pretty light weight and comfortable to wear.

Materials: 1/2" EVA foam floor tiles, 2mm/3mm/5mm craft foam, Hot glue, 3M spray adhesive and buckles

Update 4: Mark V Cod
Finished with my first completely scratch built piece, here is my cod belt. Took 4 days of work with half of it going to cutting the templates. The piece took an estimated 15$ worth of materials and is 100% complete in the foam stages.
I used a single buckle on the right side of the cod so I can get in and out of it. As for the fit, it's just about perfect and doesn't appear to need any additional mounting elements, but I still plan on using velcro to help keep it in place on the final undersuit. It's very light and very comfortable.

Materials: 1/2" EVA foam floor tiles, 2mm/3mm/5mm craft foam, Hot glue, 3M spray adhesive and a buckle
Updates 5-6
Update 5: Mark V Thighs
Another scratch built piece, it took me a day or two to work on the templates before getting it right. The build itself took one day to complete, both the base EVA foam and craft foam detailing. Although, I didn't complete the detail work because I got distracted playing Starwars Empire at War... I'll have to finish it this week. I estimate the build will take 15$ of materials to complete.
The fit is a bit snug, but overall satisfactory. The thighs don't really fit my dummy though, they actually sit higher on my legs. The buckles and velcro I used on the opening in the back was quite the hassle to figure out, and it's not exactly easy to get in or out of the thighs using the buckles, but at least it works.

Update 5.2: Mark V Thighs Detail Complete
Finished detailing the sides, didn't take long at all to do. Just a quick update.

Materials: EVA foam, Hot glue, 2mm/3mm/5mm craft foam, spray adhesive, buckles and velcro

Update 6: Mark V Handplates
Whipped these up over a few days after a couple failed attempts. They're scratch built and made of 2mm, 3mm and 5mm craft foam. Used spray adhesive to put them together. I won't be doing any more armor work until I can get what I have already plasti-dipped since I've noticed a little discoloring in the white craft foam of my helmet. I'm not sure how it might affect the craft foam if I leave it, but I'd rather not find out. But these easy to make handplates are my test pieces for plasti-dip, to help me get an idea of working with plasti-dip. So I'm working on something on the side to get ready for plasti-dipping. I'll let y'all know when it's done.

But this is everything I've done since the 405th was down. Also, sorry for the giant photos. Hope y'all like what you see, keep on building! I'll update soon!
Dude this is looking sick! It was only the other day I was wondering how you were getting on :)
Hallo Ravarkian,

This is my first post and wanted to say I really like your work. In fact I'm using your template and your images as my main guide. Best to emulate someone who has achieved the results you want. I blame you, roxy roo, and little tyrant for making me step up to this challenge. I find all your work inspiring and at times depressing because I know I won't match that. I'm going to give it my best though. Anyway enough about me. My questions are twofold:

1. I noticed you mentioned hardening your armor. Was Plastidip your plan? Was that all you were planning? I'm just curious.

2. More of a small request. I found your nice closeups on photobucket. Is it possible to get a big closeup like that of the back too? Selfish request for reference and all so I understand if you don't have the time.

Well with those aside I just want to say keep up the amazing work, I'm subbed and watching your progress with admiration. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks RovingGun, it means a lot to me to see my costume inspire others just like how Roxyroo and Lil' Tyrant inspired me. Makes me want to stop everything and work even harder on my armor.

But as for your questions, I had planned to use plasti-dip spray as well as a generous amount of hot glue along the seams on the inside of the armor, that way nothing wants to spread or bend out when I'm wearing it. Not sure how much more reinforcement I'll do by the time it's all done, but it's likely that what I had already planned would be the extent of it.

As for the close up, I wouldn't mind taking a few more pictures to show the details on my armor. You wanted to see a close up of the rear of the torso, right? I can definitely do that, but it might not be until Monday that I can take them due to work. Can't wait to see what you do with your costume.

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