Reach Jun Build (Foam/fibreglass + custom undersuit)

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Could you possibly scale it to the right height and then find areas to cut out to make it skinnier? You would then just cut little rectangles pieces of paper to make your own tabs and then fold them in half to stitch it back together.
You could also try this.....Once you have your templates imported to a PDF, open the file......then save a picture snapshot of should be able to then edit the picture and pull the picture in either width or length as you need w/o effecting the will have to judge and use a bit of trial and error, but it will work. I did this when trying to size a picture of a standard UNSC Army soldier's Armor. And it worked. I didn't build the armor but I did get the correct size template.
Hows the pepping coming along? Have you recruited the rest of the help yet? Or are you just going to focus on the mold idea? I've created a tutorial index and made sure that it had some of the more thorough casting tutorials in it just for you! (and me later on. :) )
Oh Thanks! PerniciousDuke I haven't actually decided yet. It'll depend a lot on everyone and if they want to chip in for materials. I'm doing my best to keep everyone motivated.
Pepping is slow.... I've restarted the thighs again. I better pick up the speed if I want the armor done before winter comes..

Also, Happy Independence day to all you Americans!
Not dead, just slow. I bought a house!! I'll have my very own geek cave.

Heres some progress:
I finished the shoes awhile ago, but the belt has just been finished, I had to cut out some of the paper on the side pouch looking bits to make them not stick out so much but it went pretty smoothly considering previous parts...
Also the thighs are bigger, much happier with the result. IM ALMOST HALFWAY DONE!

IMG_0433.JPG IMG_0434.JPG

These were taken with my under suit from my previous thread.
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Looks great! Love the progress and the parts are very nicely scaled. :D
And love heavy and hard pepakura builds. <3 They do show a lot and make you walk heavy... so definitely realism is there. ;)
Looking forward to see more. ;)
Thanks CommanderPalmer and SI3RRA 117 I'm definitely going for full-on roleplay feel with this.

I've finished the Chest piece,
IMG_20170813_145146.jpg IMG_20170813_145233.jpg

Next time I'll have to get Carter out to take a pic too. Because almost everything I make I build too big to begin with hes got quite a few pieces now too.

Also, conveniently Punished props made a video on how to scale stuff like pepakura:

I was very helpful for the chest plate. The first one I built was again, way to freaking big for me, and the next one would've been too if I hadn't made reference tape measure pictures to scale from. The whole time I was building the second one I thought it looked too small. BUT IT WASN'T YAY!

Also, the spine I'll be making out of EVA foam, to keep it more flexible and form fitting, and because It should be pretty easy to cut out of foam.
But that wont be until i have the biceps, forearms and helmet done.

PS: to any Canadien friends, especially in the Calgary/ Edmonton area where do you buy resin (preferably Epoxy resin) and fibrglass?
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PS: to any Canadien friends, especially in the Calgary/ Edmonton area where do you buy resin (preferably Epoxy resin) and fibrglass?

Is it ok if I reply? I'm not Canadian...........You can find resin and fiberglass at most large chain hardware (Lowe's HomeDepot) or automotive locations (Pepe boys, Auto-Zone). If you can't find there, go to an auto body workshop and ask them where they get their supply from. Or you can order from Amazon online.
Thanks Dirtdives I'll check it out, I've been to home depot, my local one doesn't have it so I'll check out some others.

Alright, I've been thinking about the undersuit lately and I'm insanely excited to start building it. however, I'm not going to let myself until i have enough armor done so I can at least base certain shapes off of where the armor is on me.

BUT, for anyone who's building an undersuit that happens to be lurking and was drawn in by my custom undersuit title claim.. you're probably disappointed so far but I have some techniques that I've been thinking about and I don't want to forget them when I start sewing.

Here are my thoughts:
I'll be using Spandex/ Nylon and stretchy Pleather.
Sewing zippers (non-stretchy) onto spandex can result in a dinosaur back: all bumpy. Use interfacing on just the area that will end up being sewn to the zipper to make the spandex not stretchy so you can sew it flat so no dinosaur back.

If you want to add cording as detail, and this might be a thing already but I just thought of it.. you can make your own stretchy cording by using elastic cord sandwiched between you spandex.

And look at other movie space suits for inspiration.. Like the Martian Mars suit details to find what stitches they use and how they achieve professional looking detail. because puff paint is gross.
Theres also this biosuit to look at for techniques that are grounded in "futuristic" reality or the star citizen space suits

EDIT: also the Tron suits
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This was about a month ago now but I started resin-ing everything and I finished the arms..
I painted resin on the outside to firm it up for the fiberglass mat which ill put on the inside.
Here they are curing so I won't be able to wear it again until it's been bondo'd and finished. Which could be awhile because I've been renovating my house.
IMG_20170919_181321.jpg IMG_20170919_181401.jpg
The bicep is the normal male version, the forearms are the female version, which are not as accurate as I want but tbh, the male version wasn't thrilling me either. Maybe I'm too picky but with the female version I'll be able to add the other details with 2mm craft foam after I finish resin-ing everything. I might even epoxy over the foam just to harden it up.. Because polyester resin eats EVA foam.. Right?
Anyway I had to make the biceps smaller, you can see my cut line. And the forarms I made bigger.
IMG_20170919_181449.jpg IMG_20170919_181504.jpg
These is the shapes that I need to make out of foam later on.

It may be awhile before I can continue but once I'm moved in I'll have a dedicated room for sewing and building!

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Looks FANTASTIC!!!!! Each are like a little piece of art so I can see why you want to display them on a........ bookshelf......:confused:....Anyway, good luck w/ the move and remember, catalog each box and you won't loose anything.
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