UPDATE - with a lot of pictures
First up is my grenadier knee:
Finally finished my Right Shin (Front View):
Right Shin Side View:
Right Shin Back View:
Right Leg Test Fit Side View:
Right Left Test Fit Front View: (everything is being held up by tape so it's not even)
Tell me what you guy's think of the sizing, I think it's pretty good. I still have to get new boots since my old ones are too small for me now, so once I get some I'll take another photo with the boot armour too. For the boot armour, I'm aiming towards making it out of foam except the actual toe tip. Foam would be easier because it won't make a noise every step I make and probably won't break like my older ones.
Here's some photo's of the under suit and gloves, I'll do a test fit of the under suit maybe next update.
Motorcycle Under Suit Front:
Motorcycle Under Suit Back:
Armoured Gloves:
Test Fit with Hand Plates:
I also got my visor but it isn't very mirrored so if any of you guys have a good link to a eBay seller with an actual gold mirrored visor, hit me up
Also got a black neck seal to get my hair out of the way and all that good stuff!
Pretty long update I think. Thanks guys for the awesome inspiring comments
Of course, I'm always open to suggestions so feel free to suggest!