Rebuilding a Regiment


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Good morning Pacific,

I am at a loss for words at the news of the past week. I stepped away back in October to focus on my personal life, and I just came back to the fold, only to see all of this unfold when I do. For all of my Pacific Regiment bothers and sisters who have made the decision to step away, and resign your positions, I am genuinely sad to see you go. I respect your decisions, and I wish you the best in any and all of your future endeavors.

For those of us who plan to stay, myself included, I do not want to see this be the be all, end all of our regiment. I want to rebuild what has been one of the best communities I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. The best part of this community is each and every one of you, from new members to seasoned ones, and this is the time for us to come together, learn from our past, and move forward as one.

One thing I am not seeing, is the next question I'm sure everyone is asking. What happens now? Where do we go from here?

The first step in this is going to be the upcoming elections to repopulate staff. However, with staff resignation taking affect in 2 weeks, I want to open discussion here and now, without bogging down the resignations with what comes next.

With that, I want to know where everyone who is still here stands, who wants to help build this regiment back up from the ground up, and what change do you want to see from the regiment? Let this be a place of discussion to sort through this regiment shake up, instead of crowding the resignations of our members who made the choice to move on, and pursue their own paths.
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I’m glad to see this, a few of us have been throwing around ideas.

For starters, we need the recruitment cards and pamphlets, FanEx is this weekend and we have nothing. From what I’m tracking, I’ve heard it’s been a straight no, but that’s only in the grapevine.

Next would be to push for deployments to get done. A couple of people have submitted deployments back in October and have heard absolutely nothing about it. Deployed members means good armor, so that means the cool appeal is higher

The next thing I know we need is some sort of booth for the 405th. With the loss of not only Duke, but now Arc, I’m not sure what’s happening with the recruitment booth as I know a huge amount of it was their own personal electronics and prop weapons. The dudes in the unofficial Oregon Battalion have been brainstorming some, but it won’t be ready for a little while.

There’s been an alright amount of planning, and I’d be happy to run you through everything that’s going on if you would want to DM me on it.
Pipninja you’ve been here for a good long while, so I’m sure you feel a certain way about this group. As someone pretty new, I have a complete lack of confidence in the leadership of the organization at the top, aside from the individual regiments. The catalyst for the domino effect of resignations appears to be an abuse of power from an immune despot. It’s giving “I’ll take my ball and go home” energy. The regiments are made up of passionate community members who are welcoming and helpful which is great, but even I’ve run into leaders who seem to enjoy their little Internet forum power too much. We’re a bunch of adults (and some younger) playing dress-up and I think that focus got lost somewhere in the bureaucracy.

I’ve read as much as I can find about the events that led to this schism, but I’m sure there is a lot I don’t know and that is part of the problem. It needs to be addressed publicly for the integrity of the forum. Apologies need to be issued. The stability of the organization must be restored. I have great awe and respect for the prominent members like you who have put together tutorials and built this forum on their backs and I don’t diminish your work at all. If people can be banned or silenced without a community’s own due process, then nobody is safe. I’m fine with continuing to be a member of the Pacific group, but I am reluctant to get any closer to the org with the feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I’m glad to see this, a few of us have been throwing around ideas.

For starters, we need the recruitment cards and pamphlets, FanEx is this weekend and we have nothing. From what I’m tracking, I’ve heard it’s been a straight no, but that’s only in the grapevine.

Next would be to push for deployments to get done. A couple of people have submitted deployments back in October and have heard absolutely nothing about it. Deployed members means good armor, so that means the cool appeal is higher

The next thing I know we need is some sort of booth for the 405th. With the loss of not only Duke, but now Arc, I’m not sure what’s happening with the recruitment booth as I know a huge amount of it was their own personal electronics and prop weapons. The dudes in the unofficial Oregon Battalion have been brainstorming some, but it won’t be ready for a little while.

There’s been an alright amount of planning, and I’d be happy to run you through everything that’s going on if you would want to DM me on it.
These are all fantastic ideas! For starters, event recruitment will be a big thing. I'm thinking about trying to get some more artwork made and approved, and give everything just a refresh for Pacific in terms of the information we put out.

Deployment pushes and armored event would also go a long way. I'm currently working on getting my next Spartan done ASAP, to have more costumes on the ground.

I was definitely thinking about making a new booth. If you want, I would be more than happy to kick around the brainstorming can. I helped with the first booth project, and I have a pretty good knowledgeable understanding of building techniques, and artwork skills that could be usefull.
Pipninja you’ve been here for a good long while, so I’m sure you feel a certain way about this group. As someone pretty new, I have a complete lack of confidence in the leadership of the organization at the top, aside from the individual regiments. The catalyst for the domino effect of resignations appears to be an abuse of power from an immune despot. It’s giving “I’ll take my ball and go home” energy. The regiments are made up of passionate community members who are welcoming and helpful which is great, but even I’ve run into leaders who seem to enjoy their little Internet forum power too much. We’re a bunch of adults (and some younger) playing dress-up and I think that focus got lost somewhere in the bureaucracy.

I’ve read as much as I can find about the events that led to this schism, but I’m sure there is a lot I don’t know and that is part of the problem. It needs to be addressed publicly for the integrity of the forum. Apologies need to be issued. The stability of the organization must be restored. I have great awe and respect for the prominent members like you who have put together tutorials and built this forum on their backs and I don’t diminish your work at all. If people can be banned or silenced without a community’s own due process, then nobody is safe. I’m fine with continuing to be a member of the Pacific group, but I am reluctant to get any closer to the org with the feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I wouldn't be so hasty to pass judgment. At the end of the day this is a community, and the only way we rebuild is as a community. One black eye is not the be all end all for the future. I think with some new leadership, starting at the regimental level, we can start to build up confidence and trust from the ground up. I ask that you give us a chance to grow, and learn from our mistakes for the sake of making a better community moving forward. When it comes to staff, professionalism is the key moving forward, and there should be no alienation of people or ideals. We are here to build, learn from those who came before us, and teach who comes after us.
These are all fantastic ideas! For starters, event recruitment will be a big thing. I'm thinking about trying to get some more artwork made and approved, and give everything just a refresh for Pacific in terms of the information we put out.

Deployment pushes and armored event would also go a long way. I'm currently working on getting my next Spartan done ASAP, to have more costumes on the ground.

I was definitely thinking about making a new booth. If you want, I would be more than happy to kick around the brainstorming can. I helped with the first booth project, and I have a pretty good knowledgeable understanding of building techniques, and artwork skills that could be usefull.
Absolutely perfect! I’m more than willing to help you out with anything you might need. I’ve been playing around with the idea as the recruitment station from Halo 3 ODST as a booth, but idk how crazy that will be. I’m hoping to hit the ground running with this regiment to bring it back to its former glory
I am absolutely dedicated to building our regiment back better than it was before. Even though I'm relatively new to the 405th, I have found an absolutely fantastic community here and I want to see it bounce back better than ever. I see the recent trials as an opportunity to reassess, recruit, and rebuild! It is absolutely within our power to bring this regiment back to a state we can all be proud of and there is overwhelming support to make that happen. The 405th has done and continues to do incredible work and this is not the end of that for the Pacific. The people who remain within the regiment are more dedicated than ever, each of the members I talk to have made clear their intention of keep this community alive. I cannot stress enough that this is not the end! You have our support Pip, and as a community there's nothing we can't do!!
I am also working to get my Spartan done and hope to be boots on the ground soon but I am not sure how much help i could be in the short or long run with building our regiment back and better. All those who are still here and working to achieve this goal have my utmost respect and all of my support, I believe in this community but I believe in it's members more!
Good morning Pacific,

I am at a loss for words at the news of the past week. I stepped away back in October to focus on my personal life, and I just came back to the fold, only to see all of this unfold when I do. For all of my Pacific Regiment bothers and sisters who have made the decision to step away, and resign your positions, I am genuinely sad to see you go. I respect your decisions, and I wish you the best in any and all of your future endeavors.

For those of us who plan to stay, myself included, I do not want to see this be the be all, end all of our regiment. I want to rebuild what has been one of the best communities I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. The best part of this community is each and every one of you, from new members to seasoned ones, and this is the time for us to come together, learn from our past, and move forward as one.

One thing I am not seeing, is the next question I'm sure everyone is asking. What happens now? Where do we go from here?

The first step in this is going to be the upcoming elections to repopulate staff. However, with staff resignation taking affect in 2 weeks, I want to open discussion here and now, without bogging down the resignations with what comes next.

With that, I want to know where everyone who is still here stands, who wants to help build this regiment back up from the ground up, and what change do you want to see from the regiment? Let this be a place of discussion to sort through this regiment shake up, instead of crowding the resignations of our members who made the choice to move on, and pursue their own paths.
I'm been registered for awhile but struggle with the social media/forum aspect but hoping to get more plugged in this year. I have experience in hosting booths and making paper media if that can be of help. I can make myself available to help as handler or booth mom for sure at the Portland events and possibly Seattle/Puyallup. I'm in between jobs at the moment so no traveling until that changes but would be happy to contribute what I can remotely. I had to step away for some life stuff the last 3 months so I'm not sure what happened but I have no plans of leaving. I'm looking forward to helping this community rebuild.
I'm been registered for awhile but struggle with the social media/forum aspect but hoping to get more plugged in this year. I have experience in hosting booths and making paper media if that can be of help. I can make myself available to help as handler or booth mom for sure at the Portland events and possibly Seattle/Puyallup. I'm in between jobs at the moment so no traveling until that changes but would be happy to contribute what I can remotely. I had to step away for some life stuff the last 3 months so I'm not sure what happened but I have no plans of leaving. I'm looking forward to helping this community rebuild.

Since you have been gone - Oregon has its own Battalion now "Crater Battalion" which we have added you in for the Forums. (You can see in your membership profile}

Further we made you a full fledge member of Pacific; Due to your activity in person and local participation. However, we still need you to get your posts done eventually.

I know there is probably a lot of things that can be done that you can assist with; if you want to reach out to the Crater Battalion Commander Kahn 319 or Membership Officer CTN04529 they would be more then willing to get you going on some projects or thoughts.

Thanks again; and look forward to seeing you at the next event!

Pacific Regiment Commander
I'm been registered for awhile but struggle with the social media/forum aspect but hoping to get more plugged in this year. I have experience in hosting booths and making paper media if that can be of help. I can make myself available to help as handler or booth mom for sure at the Portland events and possibly Seattle/Puyallup. I'm in between jobs at the moment so no traveling until that changes but would be happy to contribute what I can remotely. I had to step away for some life stuff the last 3 months so I'm not sure what happened but I have no plans of leaving. I'm looking forward to helping this community rebuild.
As Baron said, please feel free to reach out to me with any needs or questions you may have! We'd love to have you around and get a chance to connect more with you!! We're wanting to get a good booth setup going for conventions so if you have any ideas or any interest in building booth components, that's the main project we're kind of trying to get started. Aside from that the best thing you can do is keep posting in the forums and if you're interested in deployment we'd love to help you along that path as well!!

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