I unfolded the Soldier file that Ted cleaned up!
Good work mate! I imagine in no time, all of those files will be ready for crafting.
The day is almost here. I can hardly wait. Thanks for the contribution, and impressive work as usual. You're one of the best unfolders out there!
After typing the message above, I realized my signature is now outdated. My Organizer and portfolio are kinda useless now... which isn't bad at all, actually, it's great because I have less work to do.
Then, i got thinking about my Halo 4 file organizer. For a split second I thought about making a new one but Arcanine is doing a VERY good job with keeping things in order, so I figured: maybe I can update my organizer for unfolders to look at when wondering how to burn spare time.
Since the burden of modeling has been lifted off the modelers now, it's time for the unfolders to take the front line. Maybe I can make things easier, as I've attempted before with the original Organizer.
What I'm thinking is: Same format, same deal. I've optimized my list over the years so it'll be no problem. Just an update overhaul, featuring the files that have been unfolded and still raw from the asset extraction. simple. The tool is created for unfolders to use as a checklist-type guideline to point them towards which files to unfold next.
What do you guys think? It'll be hosted on my other thread like before, except now it'll actually be complete one day! If Arcanine is already going a tracker type organizer already, great! again, less work for me... but I wanted to make life easier for other people without having to stress myself with the hell that is unfolding... which at least is in my opinion.
Anybody want it done? Again, thanks to all those unfolders out there who are moving things along. I'd imagine if everybody unfold one piece of armor they liked, the whole armory would be complete and we would have more SPIVs running around.