resin Q's

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Say you made your model out of cardstock, that would make paper your surface....

Then you put all these layers of fiberglass under the armor to re-enforce it. What do you use to protect the outside from getting all screwed up (say you want to do some heavy duty playin around in it... ;-) )
what i am doin is that i take references from pics, use hot glue and glue them together, i have filled the inside with expanding foam, and right now i am in the process of sanding the great stuff, and i dont know how to make the outside hard.
The last time I used spray foam I underestimated its expanding properties. And lets just say my mandolorian helmet split open like a squashed grape. LOL
i filled it about 3/8ths of the way, it still stuck out. it would be cool if they had stuff that didnt expand. it would come out of the can and harden
+8 hours, and it sometimes expands then shrinks. that is what happened the the helmate light part of mine
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