Resining & Fibre Glassing Tutorial/How To

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link4044 said:
yes make sure to use the red harden, there is some thats greyish/white that matches the filler and its hard to tell if its completely mixed
But the red hardener says it's for fiberglass jelly. Will it still work?
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are you talking about resin or body filler. the body filler hardener is the red or grey stuff. the resin hardiner is clear
Leadingspartan said:
Ironcobra3000 said:
the Tut Looks good, but I have a question, I know you use pepakura, What material did you use for the helmet?
I know, But I'm just wondering if he used Card Stock or regular paper. And if he used a different size of paper, because I tried printing out the Template on this site, and it was too big.
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So what do you do after you resin the whole outside of the helmet and is dry? do you do anything on the inside? and what size and kind of paper would be best prefered?
You need at least Organic filters, but I'd recommend Organic + Particulate.

The cartridges need to be made by the same manufacturer of your mask or be compatible with it. Be sure you know how to do a fit test to make sure you've got a good seal, and don't over-tighten the straps.

Masks come in Half and Full face mask varieties. I'd go with a full if you're planning on doing more than just the fiberglassing. Otherwise, safety glasses/goggles should be adequate to protecting your eyes.

Also, if you wear contacts, don't wear 'em while working with particulates. You can get safety glasses that fit over prescription glasses, and you can also get safety-styled sets of prescription glasses from your optometrist.
Yeah, it's part of the spiel you're supposed to get when you first get 'em and most people forget.

If you're working with fine particles and they get stuck up under the lens it can and will cut your cornea.
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