Rhinoc's Noble 6 Build! That's right, I make armor too!

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Good work so far. Good idea using the foam board like that. I have a question about the visor. Is it a motorcycle visor? And also what did you use to cut the visor?
Yup, it is a motorcycle visor.
Great job so far Rhinoc! do you have a link for the Cod piece your using?
It is in my filebase, but it isnt unfolded yet...

BTW THE HELMET IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post pictures in a while, going out.
Yay pictures!!!!!!

Front side shot

From the back

From the side

And how could I go with out doing so...

The muckle shot.

That is all the pics I have for now! I decided against using the HUL attachment for this one (when I resined it it wouldnt go on correctly) So I have a resined, fiberglassed, painted, battle damaged, HUL laying around. It goes on the first helmet Rundown released, so if anyone has pepped that helmet and wants it you can have it. (some areas are a little flimsy but it would be an EASY fix)

That is all for now guys, Rhinoc out!
Ok new plan...

I will wear this helmet to the reach release, but at this moment in time I am restarting the helmet. I will remake the pep, use the clay pour technique, get some Dragon-Skin, mold it, cast it, put some in the classfields for EVERYONE!!!!

I will post pics of the progress as I make it.
if you don't want the old one, maybe we could work out a deal. whacha say?
Sorry but I don't plan on getting rid of it, you probably wouldn't like it either, the pics do it too much justice.
When I make the new one and mold it THEN we can talk business.
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