
I think i am finally getting the hang of it lol
is that the 405th logo i spy on your arm?
i think it is talk about being a real trooper, right now i'm making the helljumper patchs, it's not easy making like ten in a row you know.
If your refering to the tattoo on my shoulder, then no lol. it is actually my family crest. I didnt notice before that it kinda does look like the 405th logo lol. Heck who knows, one day i might get the logo done somewhere.
Yeah i understand making lots of things in a row. If you feel like sending one of those patches my way i wouldnt complain ;-) lol
Haha Awesome! You got you a suit going too =D SWEEET =P
Anyways... I'm guessing someone likes Snow White in the house...
Haha anyways!!! Your paper Pepping is awesome! Very clean and very close to what Mine looks like =D we must be doing something right!!
----I'm waiting to get all my paper pepped out and then resin all at once.... (save time and mess I guess =P ) just to give you some helpful advice.. and Metal butter knifes work wonders working with bondo!!! (dont use spoons)
Well if you got questions about anything ask before you goof up

I'll try my best to help and If I need help I'll post here =P Kee up the amazing work man =P ITS GOING TO LOOK SO GOOD!!! ( Remember dont rush yourself to much )
-Nogood out
P.S. I'm 5'10 and about 145 pounds... >>>I used 333mm High with my thigh and it fits seem alittle bigger so go with 345mm-ish .... just make it bigger than 333mm..... hope that helps alittle =D
Yes i do! lol Thanks.
Yes, my grandmother loves snow white and the seven dwarves. He favorite disney movie.
Thanks for the compliment, Yay we must be doing something right after all. *highfives* lol
Yeah at first i was going to resin, harden, and stuff each piece after building it but i have decided to pep everything first then do that. I will keep the knife in mind thanks!
Thanks, and if i can help out i will do my best as well
Yeah rushing would be bad, i have about 5 months to finish so im not worried on time
lol yeah i am a tad bigger, not much, The thigh i have in the picture is 368 lol, which is 14.5in, so im going to try 16in which is 406mm and see how that works out. I might need to just do 15in, but we shall see. Hopefully will be able to build it this weekend.
that looks great, your pepe looks very clean =D keep up the good work
Thanks Road Kill

glad you like it.
Honestly, without any padding it looks fantastic. Also, I think if you did decide it needs to be bigger, you can do so with just a little modification without having to redo the whole piece in pep because it is a PAIN. Anyhow everything's looking great and I absolutely love your rogue!
Thanks for the input kadus. I was thinking the same thing about it being good size without padding. Yeah i am just thinking about adding like an inch to each side on the bottom half of the armor where i cut it. We shall see.

i really do not want to build the whole thing again lol.
Thanks very much again

I love your JFO. Looks very awesome.
you are full of imagination....jeje.
Thanks a lot.

just wait till you see what else i have planned hehe.