Roll call and introduce yourself!

Hello! username: Rigel17
from southern Utah (used to live all over northern utah and idaho as well)
Reach by far is my favorite
Im completely new to cosplay and building, but i think ill stick with foam crafting from pepakura files and 3d printing for smaller parts. (thinking of getting my own 3d printer in the future if i like it)
ive been looking around for a cool halo costume for sometime, and i realized i could just try making something really cool on my own and that sounded really fun! i have some free time before starting my physical therapy DPT program in a year so i thought why not
I was 8 years old when halo 3 launched, all i really remember was watching youtube promos like "starry night" and feeling super hyped, but ultimately i just found the game under the christmas tree and played it from there with my brothers. miss those days... :cry:
Username: Scrap yard

State: Utah

Fav game: My favorite game is gonna have to go to Reach!

Building method: I 3D print all my stuff but also do a bit of foam!

Biggest inspiration: Impact props got me into Halo cosplay and N8tebb showed me the 405th!

Socials: I do not have any set up other than my Discord which is Scrap yard.
Username: Wildkat315
State: Nevada (moved here 6months ago from AL... miss my Fireteam Poseidon family)
Fave halo game: tbh I don't really have one
Preferred building method: getting into 3d printing and trying some foam
Biggest inspiration for your armor: Halo 3: ODST... started as an easy way to kit up w/ family while playing handler. Eventually want to do a Spartan based on Sister from RVB
Socials: IG--Bobcat315, Tiktok--Wildkat315, Steam--Wildkat315, Discord--Wildkat315
Where was I in 2007 at the release of Halo 3? Umm I was busy being a fulltime stay at home mom to my son (5yo at the time) while I was unemployed and filling out job applications. Joined the military shortly after that.

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