Roll Call!

Name: Chris or SeaSickle. I don't care.
Location: St. Louis, MO
Costuming since: Like a month ago (May 2024)
About me: I enjoy spending time outdoors, video games, reading, and starting new hobbies. I'm an apprentice electrician.
Favorite Cons: I've been to two so far, Kansas City Comic Con and IL Game Con. I plan on going to more, but you'll most likely see me at cons in the vicinity of St. Louis.
Costumes/Props: Started a Halo 3 ODST SMG for my eventual ODST armor.
Welcome! Nice to see another near St. Louis. Myself and Emp Frosty are also both in the area.
Thanks! I'm hoping to be able to officially join the regiment soon. I just joined the Discord, too, so I can hopefully be accepted there soon.
The Discord is a Wild but Insanely Friendly and Accepting place. I've been outta sorts for a bit, but i'm sure they'll make/have made you feel welcome already ^w^ Part of the Corn, Part of the Cobb x3
Sweet! Does anyone in the area have like craft nights or something? Get together and work on our costumes or anything like that?
We do occasionally hold build and craft weekends. There are no build weekends planned in the near future, but we will be doing a photoshoot and social weekend in July. Feel free to start a pm w/ me if you're interested in that info. I don't want to take Roll Call off track.
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