Rose City ComicCon (RCCC) 2024

What days will you be attending

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405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
With RCCC coming up I just wanted to get the thread started since a few folks have asked about it now.

Dates and times

6th: 1pm-8pm
7th: 10am-7pm
8th: 10am-5pm

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Is there likely to be any sort of booth or gear storage space? We're planning on parking somewhere and riding MAX into the hall since my truck is a pain to find parking for anyways, and I've got a bag for...props...that will be somewhat annoying to carry around when its empty.
I didn’t see a meet up or booth listen on the RCCC website. Does anyone know if we have something official lined up?
I didn’t see a meet up or booth listen on the RCCC website. Does anyone know if we have something official lined up?
We are listed! Booth #1250 next to destination cosplay.

Autism Society is booth #1270

Sorry the screenshot is blurry. It should unblur if you click on it.


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