Foam [RVB Carolina] Mark VI Build Log


Member DIN
Hiya there!

So, not even a week after I finished my first build, Mark V b Recon, I'm getting the itch again to build. I decided, hey why not build Agent Carolina from RVB that'll be fun! This will be the thread/log for this build.

Well at least her Rogue helmet version, I think her Gen 2 Mark VI/Mark V from Halo 4 would be a little more difficult for my skill set right now. But maybe in the future :eek: I am going to use mostly foam for this, however I only have STO files for the recon chest and shoulders, but will be looking for foam ones soon.

I had a strict deadline with my Mark V b suit, and I think it'd be just as great to have a similar deadline for this one too lol I feel I can do it a little quicker after doing the first suit knowing more things, and understanding how foam works better without having to redo pieces over, and optimizing the files to get less pieces while keeping the shape the same.

Mark V b Timeline/Deadline: November 2023 - April 2024 (On and off building) :: 5.5 months

Carolina Mark VI/Rogue Timeline/Deadline: May 2024 - September 2024 (Projected) :: 4.5 - 5 months





Hope to see you at the end! c:
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