Sandbagger's Iron Man builds - Now in STEEL.

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I got nearly a whole day to myself today and with no observatory to build anymore, it was off to the workshop with me!!!

One of the problems I've had with the suit is in the scaling and fitting. The suit is not anatomically correct for a human being, so even if you get the right height and width, some parts just narrow down far too much.

The waist is as such.

The rigid sides that go from lumbar armour around to abdominal armour have been sitting very uncomfortably over my hips and are about 2 inches in diameter too small so it's very tight.

To solve this, I cut the rigid sides off and replaced them with foam rubber mat.

Once I got that done I did a quick test fit. Now that's done I can move onto the cod piece and widen that around the waist too.







This looks fantastic! I gotta say it looks like you nailed the scaling, don't think you could get a better fit than that!

Scaling was pretty simple but getting the thing to fit is still challenging. Drack has given me some good advice for next time but I will persist with this one as I've already come too far to go back.
Scaling was pretty simple but getting the thing to fit is still challenging. Drack has given me some good advice for next time but I will persist with this one as I've already come too far to go back.

Agreed, you can't turn back now.
Besides even if you have fitting issues, this would make an amazing display piece on a mannequin. I'd bet people would pay good money for a suit of this quality too, but I'm pretty confident you can make the fitting work, you've done incredibly so far.

Good luck friend!
Lots of concurrent bits to do while waiting for the filler to set on other parts.

The internal chest/back brace only needs filling and sanding where it shows so I'm not wasting any more bog where it doesn't need it. I will, however, put another layer of fibreglass matt on the inside to make it as rigid as I can.

Where I have used foam around the waist, today I used a wood-burning soldering iron to melt in the joints between the rib plates. I placed a big elastic band around the whole piece to see if I can pre-shape it a bit before I put some heat into it later.

Getting some more sanding and detailing done on the chest/back. The back is very detailed and has a lot of raised and sunken sections to negotiate with body-filler and the sanding block.

Finally got onto a finishing sand of the abdominal plates so I could give it a paint. The ankle and achilles control surfaces are also on the painting block.
Cheers guys.

Got into some serious finishing today. I bought a can of paint that had a GOLD lid, but the colour label said ORANGE. I asked the paint salesman which was correct and he said the colour of the lit was correct.

Looks like he was wrong.

I bought a can of paint that had a GOLD lid, but the colour label said ORANGE. I asked the paint salesman which was correct and he said the colour of the lit was correct. Looks like he was wrong.

I'm wondering why you didn't just buy more of the same gold paint you used on the helmet? If that was your intent when looking at the lid, keep in mind that lids can be swapped out by kids or pranksters in the store (like the people who remove tubes of hardener from cans of resin and filler in the store) so always trust in the color name printed on the can itself (which cannot be fooled with in the store). The color of the cap usually isn't a precise exact match of the paint anyway. Take for example the metallic mirrored chrome caps on some paint - as hard as you might try, you're not ever going to get the same reflective mirrored look from the actual paint.

Your build is coming along awesomely!
This is a totally AWESOME build. Love the detail and can't wait to see this completed. Great attention to detail and inventiveness!!
I am in awe, good sir. This is incredible. I have always wanted to do an iron man suit and this is only giving me more encouragement to do it. Absolutely wonderful attention to detail. Can't wait to see more!
I'm wondering why you didn't just buy more of the same gold paint you used on the helmet? If that was your intent when looking at the lid, keep in mind that lids can be swapped out by kids or pranksters in the store (like the people who remove tubes of hardener from cans of resin and filler in the store) so always trust in the color name printed on the can itself (which cannot be fooled with in the store). The color of the cap usually isn't a precise exact match of the paint anyway. Take for example the metallic mirrored chrome caps on some paint - as hard as you might try, you're not ever going to get the same reflective mirrored look from the actual paint.

Your build is coming along awesomely!

Thanks mate. The cans were the expensive ones locked in a glass cabinet. Those ones are usually spot on. Every other can I have bought like that has been fine. Just got bit this time. I'm going to use this bright orange as an undercoat for some gold when I get hold of some.

The reason I'm not going for the same colour as the helmet, is that over time, the copper colour has darkened and flattened and I don't like it. I've stripped the helmet out again and have sanded it all back once again. I'm going to put some real effort into it this time. It really needs the shiny metallic gold I think, otherwise it just looks like shiny pretty coloured plastic.

This is a totally AWESOME build. Love the detail and can't wait to see this completed. Great attention to detail and inventiveness!!

Thank you sir!

I am in awe, good sir. This is incredible. I have always wanted to do an iron man suit and this is only giving me more encouragement to do it. Absolutely wonderful attention to detail. Can't wait to see more!

Thanks mate. I say go for it!

This is looking really awesome, the paint really comes out well, and I admire your duct tape minion. I need one of those

Yes, the duct tape dummy is very handy. My thanks to STEALTH for this idea.
I know that it was probably mentioned somewhere in this thread, but I can't find the details anywhere of where you got your pep files for this build.

Epic work by the way... Truely inspiring.
This...looks...awesome! I wish I was that good with bondo. I have so much errors in my armor because I get impatient, but yours just looks like it came out of the movie. Definitely trying rondo on my next suit.
This...looks...awesome! I wish I was that good with bondo. I have so much errors in my armor because I get impatient, but yours just looks like it came out of the movie. Definitely trying rondo on my next suit.

I sometimes dread going out into the shed to sand and shape. It's sooooooo slow and painstaking. BUT - when it turns out like this, I guess it will all be worth it.
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