Sandbagger's Iron Man builds - Now in STEEL.

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Little update:

I recently responded to an invitation to bring the suit thus far along to the Canberra Knife Show in Tharwa.

The hall was very hot so I didn't actually wear the suit, but instead set it up on it's stand just inside the door as the guard. I donned one gauntlet and sat patiently beside the suit for most of the day. Every now and then I put the helmet on to demonstrate the operation of the faceplate and eye-lighting.

Needless to say there were more than a few adults that got a buzz out of it, lots of questions etc.

But the kids.... man they were GREAT FUN! They stood in awe with their mouths on open, even taking a few paces back in shock. I got some great practice in with my target audience. I let them have a look inside the helmet. Sometimes i would say, "Have you ever shaken hands with IRON MAN!!?? They would light up as I did then I'd say to them that they could go to school and tell their friends that they had. beaming smiles all round.

I can't wait to get this into an all-kid environment in the hospitals.

As far as progress goes, I will be starting on the gauntlets after new years, with the lighting for the hand-repulsors, sound card, speakers and a spray-mister to discharge from the gauntlet for LED illumination, simulating a weapon discharge.

In the helmet I still have to hook up a microphone in the chin to a speaker in the chest, plus a microphone on the chest hooked into speakers at my ears.

My knife-making has afforded me some gear for the suit as well as tooling. It's a slow process, but the only way to get there on a very tight budget. So close now.

Luv, SB
Dude that's fantastic! I can just imagine all the amazed faces. Those little kids make it all worth while and I bet the adults were awestruck. Maybe it's time for a cooling undersuit.

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Still love seeing each update you post SB. Looking forward to seeing this repulsor idea take shape!
Started dismantling the nano spray unit today to extend all the bits and fit them into the suit and gauntlet. I'll have to find some thin rubber hose to extend the water reservoir away from the gauntlet and into the arm, but very happy I worked out how the thing is activated with a reed switch and magnet.




Worked until 2am this morning in the back shed, making use of the cool night air. Started fitting the gizmo into the arm and hand.

I found the perfect tubing at Bunnings for a little over $5 for a roll. Now I can put the reservoir up in the arm where it's easy to get at and refill, plus the repulsor bursts will last longer.




To replace the bulky plastic reservoir I melted the pin out of a plastic thumb tack, then dremelled a hollow in it, turning it into a custom-fit cap for the back of the nano unit. The small cap on the left is a snap cap off a shower screen screw that proved too small for the job.


Modded nano unit. Fuel for the repulsor now gets delivered by longer lasting reservoir up in the arm.


Repulsor control module installed.

Planning lathe work. Aluminium and perspex.


Rough lens plan.


Elaborating on design.


Shop drawing.


Complete unit.


Raw materials for lathe work.

ma fakin gad... yo!, this project is one of the most awesome things I had never seen...
But... I'll just tell ya that this is gonna be heavy...
Mate, I dunno what's happened to the signatures at the bottom of each post since the forum moved, but I've addressed the weight issue a million times. It's 34 kilograms total and that is not heavy at all.


I've been in the cave all night tonight.

Turning and recessing a perspex lens with steel speaker mesh insert. The LED ring light goes underneath the perspex.

There's a flat steel plate underneath the unit, inside the glove that sandwiches the glove material in between it and the unit above, tidying up and securing the whole lot.

All I have left to do on it now is turn the aluminium outer housing.




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Thanks guys. :D


Voice changer arrived. It sounds crap, but has one mode that sounds ok. Maybe I can find the pot if it has one and tweak it. Need to boost volume too. Time to rip it apart and see what makes it tick.

Turning the housing for the repulsor. Using aircraft grade aluminium. It just machines so much nicer.





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While waiting for parts from China, I'm tidying up my design in prep for some more turning for the inner parts.

Windows paint is a very old and basic program, but a lot neater than my usual pencil chicken scratchings.

OpenOffice Draw is free, runs on multiple platforms, and is a vector-based drawing application that's much easier to learn than, say, Inkscape. Using a vector-based application will make it much easier to edit your drawings, and you can then also draw them in scale.
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