Sandbagger's Iron Man builds - Now in STEEL.

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You could at least butter me up before you come in as a random demander of favours?

Google ROBO3687 and JFCustom.

You're welcome.
I'm a lot happier with this part now. So many other suit builders leave these massive gaps. All you usually see underneath is a red leotard. Not this time!






Our favorite Steel Iron Man suit has been invited to appear at the Sydney Knife Show on Sunday, 6th of August 2017, 11am until 2pm, Rosehill Gardens Racecourse.

We will again be raising money for the Starlight Children's Foundation, to enrich the lives of seriously ill children and their families.

My team of helpers is hard at work battle-hardening the electronics, tailoring a custom undersuit and building safer batteries while I refine some of the detail work in the suit itself. This will set it up for the upcoming hospital visits.

Why the Knife Show? Because the knife making community played a big part, (and still does), in helping me finish the suit, through creative fundraising with my knives. Enjoy the story poster below. :D


James and I having a great time of it tonight, battle-hardening all the electronics in the suit for the upcoming event in Sydney, as well as consolidating the power supplies and wiring harnesses.

We tinkered away, well, James did most of the work, I just assisted and made some decisions... All I have to do with the electronics now is duplicate what he's done on one arm, install a second battery, tidy up and secure all the wiring harnesses. Hopefully my mate Deano will send me the super-duper battery he's been working on soon. If not, we will manage with what we have for now and chuck in the improved one later.



The last outing in the suit identified some weak spots, which we have been trying to battle-harden for the next show, coming up in a few weeks.

Woohoo!!!! Metallic vinyl has arrived and it's perfect! Finally found something the right colour, sheen, flexibility, thickness and stiffness to make the flexible covers in the armour gaps. (EDIT: my phone camera seems to bring out a pinkish hue to it, but rest assured it is a cherry metallic red.)


This stuff is brilliant! I can layer it up and stitch it together as overlapping plates, or just burn plate lines in one layer with a soldering iron.


Layered plates that need stitching together


Bringing the battery from the back of the leg into the chest plate. Quick eject bracket in case of fire. Wrapped the top of the battery in the new mayerial to blend it in.


Promotional poster has been released to the public and is spreading on social media. If you would like to help me raise money for the Starlight Children's Foundation, please share this on your own social media platforms.


Here's the blurb that accompanies the poster.

"It took over 3 years of weekend's and spare time along with blood sweat and tears to build, but Barry Armstead toughed it out and now has an awesome Iron man suit to show for it.

With help and guidance from a few of the Canberra knife making community Barry was able to learn a new skill set to help make this dream a reality. He learnt how to make knives and money raised from the sale of these helped fund the build.

The suit wasn't made just for Barry though, his intention from the start was to bring a smile to the face of children in hospital by suiting up and letting them get close to a superhero.

Barry has already raised money for The Starlight Children's Foundation and this is the charity he'll be supporting when he makes an appearance at The Sydney Knife Show on Sunday 6th August.

Bring your children (or your inner child) along and have a photo taken of the Ironman MKIV suit Barry has created and donate a gold coin to a very worthy Charity.

We hope to see you there."


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New shirt layout for my Iron Man roadies! Printing this weekend! Zee and the wonderful people from


Meanwhile... back at the ranch...

Pleated undersuit mods coming together. Here's how it looks under the armour. Camera's never seem to pick up the sheen that the eye can see.



Legs in progress. Beautiful work by my wonderful aunt. So much work! So many stitches! Hard material to work with too. Very slippery.

Amazing stuff as always. Wouldn't expect anything less when checking in on this thread.

Brilliant day! 0500 departed Canberra, picking up my crew, Shane and James along the way. Met up with an old army mate to pick up the new Iron Man Baz Industries Team T-shirts he so kindly couriered from the CBD for us. Thanks to Zee from Teetalk for printing them for free.

Arrived at the knife show nice and early to set up and get dressed, coordinate with the event organisers and start the show. Lots of kids and adults alike came and got their photos, flooded us with questions and gave generously to the Starlight Children's Foundation. We came back with quite a lot!

Many thanks to my friends Peter and his friend Mark who joined us all the way from the central coast and offered their help. They were a great asset and fun company.

Just shy of three hours in the suit, wandering around between the knife tables and even went for a walk outside amongst the general public arriving for another event at Rosehill gardens racecourse.

Many thanks to the members of the Knife Art Society for making this all happen!

The Knife Art Society donated $500 to the Starlight Children's Foundation. We are blown away! On behalf of all the kids and their families that will benefit from this, THANK YOU!







Last week we had an awesome time at the Canberra hospital in the paediatric ward with the kids! The Starlight captains were so much fun and a tremendous source of entertainment to the kids and my team! I admitted from the outset that they would be doing all the singing and dancing and I was just there to look cool, but we all warmed up and had a blast!

The kids were so brave and it was a heavy hit to the heart to know that some of them were there for the long haul. One of the mums tearfully thanked me so much, I got going on the way out and had to lower my faceplate to discreetly regain my composure.

Starlight Children's Foundation has kindly provided some choice photos from the evening, to feed back to all those of you who supported my team and I through the three year gruelling build of the suit. We can't show you some of the other photos of kids in sensitive condition, but I would like to pass on that they were indeed visited, and I am quite certain it made their day.

On behalf of my team and I, Starlight Children's Foundation and all the kids, THANK YOU SO MUCH all of you who supported, encouraged and helped us get here!

Love you's all!










Absolutely fantastic mate! From the looks on the kids faces it seems you guys and gals definitely made their day. Please keep sharing any other events you attend if you're able to.
Love the build! are you going to add movable flight flaps in the rear of the suit? Also, I know you probably built the viewing system by hand but I would love to take a look at that project. I've been trying to come up with a way to do that in one of my builds as well.
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