Schizophrenicmc's Odst Wip

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Sounds Good! Can't wait for pics.
To answer your question from the visitor message (because I can't figure out how to reply) I was originally going to, but I've streamlined it, currently. I've decided to make it a command variant, with the comms pack and no backpack. Only reason for that is because I bought a cast of Ithica's awesome Buck Antenna (Pics, tomorrow), and I have, already, magnets to hold it up.

I may eventually make a BR and a set of goggles.
cool another odst and let me know how your BR comes out because I started a pep of an assault rifle and it kind of sucked. this kind of stopped me from trying to make a BR;and the funny thing is we have a similar problem. its going to be hard to hide are long hair lol.
Nah, I cut my hair. But, I'm gonna try the BR after I'm done with the armor. I bought an SMG I'm gonna modify into the M7S, since I have a time constraint.
Awesome ODST build man. Your helmet came out great. I didn't see any forearm armor so I thought I'd let you know that I just release a new HD ODST Forearm pep file. You can check it out in my ODST pep files thread in my signature if your interested.

Good luck on the rest of your build. Can't wait to see the rest.
Cool as your stuff is, I'm actually making low-def forearms, because Crackhead's HD took too long to make, and the first one got warped to hell. I can't afford to spend forever making forearms more awesome than Jason's.

My helmet came out good for the medium-def file I used and the little bondo I used. It looks cooler in pictures, to be honest. It's nothin' bad, but it could have been so much more. >_< Maybe next time. (In such a case, I'm definitely using your helmet)
To answer your question from the visitor message (because I can't figure out how to reply) I was originally going to, but I've streamlined it, currently. I've decided to make it a command variant, with the comms pack and no backpack. Only reason for that is because I bought a cast of Ithica's awesome Buck Antenna (Pics, tomorrow), and I have, already, magnets to hold it up.
Cool. Sounds awesome. I assume you're going with yellow as the detail color?
Sweet job on your ODST armor so far. It"s really cool that your making the backpack, not many people have. Cant wait to see the entire suit done. Great job so far and keep it up.
Between it being in your sig, and the number of posts I've seen where you say something about being named John Wayne... :p

On that vein, my name is Kristoffer Mitchell. THAT MAKES ME AWESOME!

Not to disappoint, Ken, but the backpack's been scrapped. No time for this build. T_T

And not to disappoint any of you, but I still don't have my hands on a camera... And I'm like a week behind schedule.
Bad news: I'm WAY behind schedule, I'm really unmotivated, I can't get my hands on a camera, and the SMG has warped due to expanding foam. T_T
Geez MC. Thats some good work. I read that the ODST were the workhorse of the UNSC. They don't have augmented bodies that the Sierra II/III's have and rely more on team tactics to overcome a situation. Against groups of heavily armed militia and insurrectionists that requires some bravery. In the face of an enemy like the covenant , you have to be downright heroic.

Also that helmet must get crazy hot with the pony tail and all. :)
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have long hair anymore. Cut it way back in June, and once since, in July.

Also, I'm not gonna make the rest of the arm armor, just because it feels more mission-specific, and well, lets me move my arms.

Next things next: Make a flashlight attachment for the helmet.
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