Sci Fi Valley Con Nov. 8th-10


Hey all,

I have been MIA for quite some time and miss being out and about with you all for cons. I saw the thread for Sci Fi Valley 2024 for June, but their website says Nov. 8-10th. Are we going to be there in any amount of Deployment? I would like to go if there would be interest.

Here’s the details:

Sci-Fi Valley Con Nov. 8-10th, 2024
Blair County Convention Center
Altoona, PA

$40 for 3 Day until Nov. 6th, $45 after/at the door.
$30 for 1 Day until Nov. 6th (Fri or Sun), $35 after/at the door.
$35 for 1 Day until Nov. 6th (Sat), $40 after/at the door

Hotel information:
Altoona Grand Hotel $99/night
*Courtyard Marriott $134/night closest to venue.
Comfort Inn $149/night
Fairfield Suites $179/night
Microtel $199/night
Hey Jeff! I didn't even realize that Sci Fi Valley had changed to a November con date too! I'll have to poke the locals and see if anyone plans to attend
With TORG happening the weekend before, I won't be making it down for the November Sci-Fi Valley show.
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