Trust me you dont want to go the route of sheet metal unless you have tons of years of experience. I am a sheet metal fabricator and advanced composite techinition for the US Navy. Simply hammering the metal into shape is/will be a nightmare if you dont have the experience. You'll need metal shrinkers and stretchers and other specialized tools, just to get close to all the compound curves in this costume. Not to mention every single hammer mark you make has to be smoothed out, using an english wheel or something similiar. The majority of costumes are made out of sintra, fiberglass, or other easy to tool material for a reason.
Having an all metal costume would be darn cool! I agree, but its far more work than you can imagine.
To give you an idea, Ive been bending sheet metal for the navy for over 16 years, and I started an all metal Jango Fett, 6 months ago, and Im still not even close to being done with only the hard parts. The welding on the jet pack alone with take months.
Its a great idea! All Im saying is, make sure if you do decide to try it, be ready for the journey you'll be taking! :wowie: :happy1: