Show us your HALO costumes!

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Phil, your build is freaking awesome. A friend of mine went up to the last Edmonton Con and saw you there. He actually got a pic with you too. Very nice work!
Phil, your build is freaking awesome. A friend of mine went up to the last Edmonton Con and saw you there. He actually got a pic with you too. Very nice work!

Thanks a ton Roman! It was definitely worth the many hours I put into building it! Will you be at any Alberta cons in the near future?
Thanks a ton Roman! It was definitely worth the many hours I put into building it! Will you be at any Alberta cons in the near future?

Probably not, I'm currently working on building a Reach CQB helmet, and armor isn't really on the radar at the moment. I also try to stay away from all of the risque costumes that tend to be at cons lol
This was my bare bones, quick ODST/Pilot build
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