Site Suggestion Box

Lieutenant Jaku

Sr Member
there was no good thread for this so I made one. we need an official site suggestion thread.
but the thing I have noticed is although we cant respond to other regiment threads, there doesn't seem to be any reason we shouldn't be able to like other regiment threads, and was wondering if we might get this sometime in the future.
I remember when I was starting my first suit, finding all the resources to figure it out felt a little convoluted. Yes, there was a tutorial index, which a bunch of helpful links and summaries, but that's not quite the same as a more formal approach. I'm going for a minor in User Experience, and Technical Communication, and so one project I'm looking into is spinning up some guidance software/page that walks someone through the process of building a suit more formally w/ plenty of hand holding, with the hopes that it helps new users not feel overwhelmed. I'm just leaving this note here to remind me what I was talking about when I go to think "what was that thing I wanted to do again"? No plan of action yet, as I've got other projects for the moment. I hope to tackle this some during this summer though.
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I remember when I was starting my first suit, finding all the resources to figure it out felt a little convoluted. Yes, there was a tutorial index, which a bunch of helpful links and summaries, but that's not quite the same as a more formal approach. I'm going for a minor in User Experience, and Technical Communication, and so one project I'm looking into is spinning up some guidance software/page that walks someone through the process of building a suit more formally w/ plenty of hand holding, with the hopes that it helps new users not feel overwhelmed. I'm just leaving this note here to remind me what I was talking about when I go to think "what was that thing I wanted to do again"? No plan of action yet, as I've got other projects for the moment. I hope to tackle this some during this summer though.

That would be amazing. We are ALWAYS interested in UX design. If you ever have any suggestion, we are 100% open ears.
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That would be amazing. We are ALWAYS interested in UX design. If you ever have any suggestion, we are 100% open ears.
I'll probably spin up some concept drafts soon, cause I like to rotate projects to keep them all feeling fresh and exciting (I think I have 4 or 5 others right now). I'll be sure to sure to share those with you :)
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I'm overview drafting content right now... it actually looks like this wouldn't be hard to do... could probably get a rough draft if I gave it a weekend and found the right platform (can't this weekend). But next weekend... we may see what I can do. Fortunately there are the shoulders of tutorial giants to stand on.

A rough map of my flow concept can be found here: Master Builder Outline if anyone wants to offer suggestions early on. It may read like a reorganized tutorial page like the one we have, but my thoughts are to have it as more like an app that takes you through in a slide by slide/section by section manner, where the user clicks on images and makes only simple choices. The goal is to reduce the amount of thinking they have to do to as close to zero as possible. That page contains lists, the lists are not all inclusive, it's just fancy filler text. I want to turn this project into a master compilation of the 405ths collective knowledge, and given how wide spanning that can be I have to make sure the solution I use is flexible in content delivery, and staff updateable.

Edit: This is going to be too many posts, I'm making a thread. Ranger's Master Builder App
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Changed in Navigation. It would be very complicated to change all instances but I am assuming this addresses the primary concern, yes?

Yes, forms seemed vague like you'd have to click on it to figure out why you would need to click on it. Requests at least gets the ball rolling.

The only further clarification I would recommend is having one within for Member forms (battalions, deployment) and the other being 405th forms (appearance).

Currently having deployment and appearances next to each other seems confusing for someone who doesn't know what deployment is.
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Art Andrews just a thought I had with 3D printing becoming so popular and with the influx of new members flooding in from Halo Outpost, I think it would be good to either move or copy the 3D files (from those who are willing) into the armory itself, and consolidate the resources into one place.

I agree with you, but only if STL files were searchable on their own. For instance, Halo Reach/4/5 have dozens and dozens of armor set links. How many would I have to click through just to check if there was a 3d print file for it?

While Turbo's 3d model index isn't the most integrated system, it is nice to know that you are only looking at print ready files.
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I agree with you, but only if STL files were searchable on their own. For instance, Halo Reach/4/5 have dozens and dozens of armor set links. How many would I have to click through just to check if there was a 3d print file for it?

While Turbo's 3d model index isn't the most integrated system, it is nice to know that you are only looking at print ready files.

Good point.

What about putting a new section called 3D-ready files? Or something like that?
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Art Andrews just a thought I had with 3D printing becoming so popular and with the influx of new members flooding in from Halo Outpost, I think it would be good to either move or copy the 3D files (from those who are willing) into the armory itself, and consolidate the resources into one place.

I am not opposed to this. I believe we currently have very very few print-ready files in the armory. I wouldn't mind us working toward that goal, but someone would need to step up to champion it and round those files up, rename and organize them.
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Is it possible to set up images so that if an image opens up in full screen (i.e. not when it opens a full screen viewer with the exit, prev.,next buttons), that it opens up in a new tab (e.g. when clicking on someone's profile image)? Each time I do so I find myself closing my tab after viewing.
I understand this could be difficult to do if image links are hacked together or individually defined, but figured I'd ask.
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Am I the only one who doesn't like that the background of the web page is a link? I find myself clicking on it far too often... maybe this would be better suited for a pole though.
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