Site Suggestion Box

Lieutenant Jaku

Sr Member
there was no good thread for this so I made one. we need an official site suggestion thread.
but the thing I have noticed is although we cant respond to other regiment threads, there doesn't seem to be any reason we shouldn't be able to like other regiment threads, and was wondering if we might get this sometime in the future.
I am not opposed to this. I believe we currently have very very few print-ready files in the armory. I wouldn't mind us working toward that goal, but someone would need to step up to champion it and round those files up, rename and organize them.

Free 3D Model Index

You mean something like this? Trouble is some of the files are hosted on other sites like thingiverse, but they are made by our members so maybe just a quick permision-to-host letter could be made.
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Free 3D Model Index

You mean something like this? Trouble is a some of the files are hosted on other sites like thingiverse, but they are made by our members so maybe just a quite permision to host letter could be made.

If you guys want to do that, I am happy to upload them here so they are preserved indefinitely.
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I think it would be cool if there was a gallery where people could post up to a couple photos (like 1-2) of their deployed suits, and everyone could see them, rather than having to hunt down members name's and threads, or rummage through the Media tab. I think this would be a really cool way to put our deployed members work on display and further celebrate the accomplishments :)

On the same note, I think it would also be useful to have a set of reference images for the different tiers. For example, I'm currently deployed at tier 1, but I'm targeting tier 3 for my next deployment (and I will make it gosh darnnit). However, if I wanted to see a collection of T3 suits, idk how I would do it other than having a rough idea of who was probably deployed as T3 and looking them up by name.
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There is the finished thread in the costumes and props section:

When you have a suit finished you can put it in there.

And the elite section (Which doesn't seem to be being updated for some reason..... ExCeLLuR8 should definitely be in there...

If your suit is epic and inspiring and all that jazz, Admin can move it into this section. At least they could have done... Not sure if it's being added to anymore.
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There is the finished thread in the costumes and props section:

When you have a suit finished you can put it in there.

And the elite section (Which doesn't seem to be being updated for some reason..... ExCeLLuR8 should definitely be in there...

If your suit is epic and inspiring and all that jazz, Admin can move it into this section. At least they could have done... Not sure if it's being added to anymore.
Well then I stand corrected, thanks Sean Anwalt!
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There is the finished thread in the costumes and props section:

When you have a suit finished you can put it in there.

And the elite section (Which doesn't seem to be being updated for some reason..... ExCeLLuR8 should definitely be in there...

If your suit is epic and inspiring and all that jazz, Admin can move it into this section. At least they could have done... Not sure if it's being added to anymore.
The second link hasn't been updated in two and a half years unfortunately.

I'd be down for getting a openly visible Deployed member catalog using several of their favourite photos of their suit. Maybe something similar to the HOD appearance teasers so that they're uniform sizes.
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There is the finished thread in the costumes and props section:

When you have a suit finished you can put it in there.

And the elite section (Which doesn't seem to be being updated for some reason..... ExCeLLuR8 should definitely be in there...

If your suit is epic and inspiring and all that jazz, Admin can move it into this section. At least they could have done... Not sure if it's being added to anymore.
Thanks Sean Anwalt I really appreciate it!! Once my Halo 3 suit is 100% done I'd be down for reviving life back to the elite thread!

I like the idea of a completed armor "showcase" tab where it's just pictures of everyone's armor tagged to the owner, similar to the armory tab. No threads or pages of threads to dig through, just viewable pictures. Maybe have sub tabs to separate each of the games the armor belongs too sift through pics easier. Halo CE, Halo2, halo3, 4, 5, ODST, that way people interested in certain types of armor to gain inspiration can jump right to a photo catagory of their interest to gaulk, Oooo and ahhhh then be able see the tagged creator and click to view their profile, start chats, view their build thread, so on.

I dont know, idea is just completely off the top of my head.
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Regarding the Deployment FAQ:

That was a lot to read! So... how do I apply for Deployment?
To send in your Deployment Application, go to our Application Forms page, and click Request Deployment. Please ensure that all details are filled out, and images are attached. We need full body images of your costume. We cannot accurately inspect your costume if we can't see it! We need images of your costume that show the front, both sides, and the back.

Suggest changing from "go to our Application Forms page, and click Request Deployment." to "go to our Requests page, and click Request Deployment."
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I love that we call the file location "The Armory" However i've had a few people i've managed to get on the site come back to ask me where the files were actually located.

It was easy enough for me to direct them, but also concerns me that others who don't have someone to ask will just assume they have to find or buy the files elsewhere. I feel this has been discussed before but maybe the tab name could use some changing and have "The armory" plastered inside the Tabs homepage. and have the actually tab labeled something more universal such as Resources, or Build Files (i know there's probably better names we could use then those). Just a suggestion though!
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It seems this thread hasn't been used in a while, but I have noticed something odd. It seems that whenever I click on the margins of the window (like not a text box or on a link or anything, just in the dead space) it opens a new window to the 405th home page. This is slightly annoying bc it takes me temporarily away from whatever I was doing and most of the time I am just trying to bring the internet browser window to the front of all the other junk that is on my ADD computer screen. Is that supposed to happen? Can we remove that maybe?
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It seems this thread hasn't been used in a while, but I have noticed something odd. It seems that whenever I click on the margins of the window (like not a text box or on a link or anything, just in the dead space) it opens a new window to the 405th home page. This is slightly annoying bc it takes me temporarily away from whatever I was doing and most of the time I am just trying to bring the internet browser window to the front of all the other junk that is on my ADD computer screen. Is that supposed to happen? Can we remove that maybe?

There is no way to remove that without removing the background image so we have removed both.
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I like how there's a "New Posts" button, but I think it'd be cool if we also had a way to just look at a list of the ongoing builds. I think a simple yet effective way to do this would be to have a list of the threads in Halo Costumes and props that had a photo uploaded by the original poster within the last 30 days. I'm not sure how this site's built but I imagine that should be possible. I find I don't have nearly as much time to keep up with the forum schenanigans as I used to, but I'd still like to be able to keep up with build threads at a glance. This would differ from the New Posts button because that shows an entry for each forum, and each comment. This new proposed feature would only show links to the original post (making it a much shorter list) updated in the last 30 days with a photo. I don't anticipate a system like this being perfect (e.g. non-build photos being uploaded) but I think the reward outweighs the inaccuracies in my opinion.

tl;dr; It'd be nice to increase visibility on threads actively building costumes so I can more easily encourage our builders :)

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I saw that the mandalorian mercs have an extensive detailed description of what the armors must contain to be official. Reading that seemed a little overkill, but also, its good to have clear description of expectations.

I thought it would be good to do something similar. It would be nice (although a significant time commitment) to have some kind of official guide as to what is considered canon for different armors. This could be a document or just a thread that outlines which attachments, weapon choices, colors, or whatever are considered canonical for each character. I know other people have asked other questions about weapon attachments and whatnot too.

Not that we wouldn't allow custom things, but with regards to the deployment tiers, it might be good to know that for tier 3, an ODST can't use covenant weapons or have pink stripes or if I paint my SMG pink it will default me to tier 1.

It also doesn't have to be as specific or detailed as to say where detailing paint can go or exact locations of certain decals, but for general things like what color visors are considered canon for which characters. Can ODST have a silver visor? Gold? Purple? I don't know.

I know that currently our metric is what's allowed in the custom character multiplayer options, but it seems like having a more defined and easily referenced guide would be helpful, as I dont necessesarily want to open up the Master Chief collection every time I want to check on some detail.

I know that this also gets complicated as there are so many variations within each piece of armor for each generation of Spartan, but it seems like it could be a hyperlinked, work in progress type page, so you could go in and click on Halo Reach, then chest armor, then security chest, and then tier level maybe to read about what colors, textures, lights, or whatever are considered canon for each tier. Sounds very complicated but maybe there's a way to do it easily, like make it part of the armory where the divisions are already in place. Maybe in each armor section, there could just be a document that outlines the details for each tier. Certainly a lot of work, but once it is done could be very helpful for new people and everyone. I also volunteer to help with this endeavor, although I may not be the most knowledgeable person for it and someone would have to check my work.

If people think this is a good idea, I can try to rough draft up an example document.

I hope this post makes sense, I am finding it difficult to clearly articulate what I mean these days. All this COVID quarantine is melting my brain.
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I feel like i'm reviving a dead thread but i had a bad idea, that i think would be beneficial to the website, would it be possible to add a goodreads section to the account info. I'd like to see what people are reading. Understandable if this isn't a priority.
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