So what does your halo 3 multi-player armor look like?

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Here's mine
ive been trying to unlock the last skull all night. stupid ring jumping doesnt work for me. no audio tones, no nothing.
optimusaint said:
ive been trying to unlock the last skull all night. stupid ring jumping doesnt work for me. no audio tones, no nothing.

IWHBYD? Acording to bungie the last skull (IWHBYD) is only accessable by bungie employees on their special gamediscs..or something like that...

"The IWHBYD Skull has been found! After countless hours from the Halo3Planet Community, we finally present you with the location of the final skull, the IWHBYD Skull!

The Skull is located in the level, “The Covenant”. After defeating the Scarabs, and going inside, get to the location with all 7 Ring Holograms. You must jump through the rings in a specific order. That order is as follows (1 is at the entrance, 7 is at the end):

4 5 6 5 7 6 5 4 1 2 3 2 7 2 1 3 4 6 7 5 4 6 5 4 5 3 4

These rings also produce the notes:

E F# G F# A G F# E B C# D C# A C# B D E G A F# E G F# E F# D E

After jumping through them in this sequence, you will be awarded the “I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull”. It will be right next to the bridge that brings you over to the Prophet of Truth.


* You can get the skull on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.

* No skulls have to be active

* You must have all the other skulls to unlock it

* You can work as a team, have one person jump through a ring then another, provided they are in the correct order. This will speed things up for you. "

Guess I was wrong...but damn Im gonna need help getting the other 3 skulls (Catch, Tilt, Cowbell) lol..
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My armor's a mix of CQB and MVI armor. The colors remind me of poop. D:

I'm mostly brown and have gold highlights.

Right Shoulder

Left Shoulder

Did I forget any body parts?
My armor is all normal spartan armor in the lightish red (aka pink) color. No other colors. I actually like blue team better and think Caboose is among the best, but his armor doesn't stand out like donut... Plus the pink armor is so roomy.
I found the last skull thanks to The original sequence didn't work for me, but I noticed they edited it down to a shorter one that did work for me. You must have all other skulls to get this last one and start from the beginning of the level without any other skulls active, i.e. no meta-game scoring turned on. But, I have full Hayabusa armor now. Also, the rings will flash if you did the sequence right. I can't seem to get a picture of my armor up as my profile doesn't have a snapshot showing and that armor image generator doesn't seem to be working for me right now.


<----As you can see I found a way to show my armor
Jim said:
My armor is all normal spartan armor in the lightish red (aka pink) color. No other colors. I actually like blue team better and think Caboose is among the best, but his armor doesn't stand out like donut... Plus the pink armor is so roomy.

It's not Pink.....It's Light Red. :mad:
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i just wear MK IV with MK V helm i've always liked MK V if i make a MJOLNIR suit this would be what i would make.

P.S. ADFC kicks JROTC's ass
did any of you notice the last date posted Posted 05 October 2007 - 08:57 PM dont necro post. if its over a month or two old from the last post dont do it.
CommanderFluffy said:
did any of you notice the last date posted Posted 05 October 2007 - 08:57 PM dont necro post. if its over a month or two old from the last post dont do it.

Note the person who did bump...Only one post.
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